Chapter 23

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Aviela's Point of View

"Why is it so difficult for you to handle Aviela going on a date?"

"It isn't the fact that she is going on a date – I just don't want her going with Jungkook Collins."

"How many times do I have to tell you, Namjoon? Jungkook is a good kid."

"Don't make me laugh. Need I list off all the rumors I have heard about how he treats his girlfriends?"

"They are rumors – and besides, she is only going on one date with him."

"I am not willing to risk the validity of the rumors when it comes to my sister's safety."

Aviela's shoulders hunched closer to her body as Jin and Namjoon argued on either side of her. At first, she had felt exhilarated that Jungkook Collins – the boy she had been hopelessly in love with for five years – found her attractive enough to ask her on a date. But after hours of Namjoon spouting off reasons why he would rather see Jungkook in Azkaban than spending an evening with his sister, she wasn't entirely sure one date was worth such turmoil.

Jin gestured to the expensive watch on his wrist. "She has five minutes until her date with Jungkook, and I'm telling you, she is going."

"She is not going." Namjoon grasped Aviela's shoulder tightly as though he would physically prevent her from leaving the common room. "She has schoolwork to complete. Aviela, if you ever wish to be Head Girl, you need to focus on academics rather than romantics."

"But I don't want to be Head Girl," she admitted shyly. All she wanted was to go on a date with Jungkook.

Namjoon floundered for words, his eyes wide as though she had said something awful.

"You see?" Jin snickered. "Let the girl live a bit."

Aviela silently pleaded with Namjoon, donning her most soulful expression. Surely, he remembered how much they had suffered over the past few years – he must understand why she would welcome any ounce of happiness life offered her.

Finally, he spoke through gritted teeth. "Fine – but don't expect my help with your schoolwork if you can't finish it in time because you wasted an hour on a date with Jungkook Collins."

Aviela leaped up from her seat, feeling her excitable heart pound faster than ever, kissed her brother on the cheek, and darted out of the common room. The corridors were bustling with activity as classes ended and students made for the outdoors. Truly, Jungkook couldn't have picked a better day for their date. The sun blazed down on the outline of the Forbidden Forest, illuminating the deciduous trees that gradually shed their multicolored leaves. The grass was dry from lack of rain, but it became greener as she approached the Great Lake. A gentle breeze floated through the air, carrying the musky scent of the water as she drew nearer.

She spotted a silhouette on the horizon, spreading a blanket over the grass on the bank of the Great Lake and setting food atop it. As she approached, Jungkook's deep voice became clearer, and it seemed he was talking to himself. " can do this, Jungkook. It will be just like any other date – but why does it feel so special?" He shook his head cutely and settled his hands on his hips, surveying the picnic location. "Everything looks perfect – I am going to make this the most successful date she has ever had."

Aviela meant to startle him with a smooth punchline, but she was so flustered at the sight of him that her words came out as a jumble of gibberish: "Looforwatoit." Jungkook startled and turned to face her red countenance with a charming smile.

"I didn't know you were standing there," he said, clutching his heart playfully.

"I-I'm sorry I am late," she managed. "My brother kept me in the common room."

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