Chapter 36

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A few months later.

Jungkook's Point of View

The Great Hall bustled with excited chatter and activity – Jungkook would expect no less, as the end-of-the-year feast was upon them. However, a short stretch along the Ravenclaw table remained silent and solemn, burdened with terrible knowledge. As had become usual, Yoongi was nowhere to be found, but the ghost in the unused bathroom on the second floor had noted that she often overheard a platinum-haired boy crying about his lost friends. Taehyung was also absent – he had become far more distant since the incident and could barely manage a few sentences before he clapped his hands over his ears and had to be ushered to the medical wing. Chloe sat between Jin and Jimin, using her full glass of pumpkin juice to mask her quivering lip. Aviela and Namjoon were statues, staring at the unappetizing feast laid out upon the table. Hoseok tried to convince Nara to eat something, insisting that she not go to bed hungry, but neither seemed to be consuming much food.

And Jungkook. He was barely getting by.

It was awful to lose a friend – and even worse to lose a sibling – but it was positively dreadful to watch the light fade from your twin sister's eyes. In the rare moments that he experienced happiness, he would race to the Ravenclaw common room, excited to share his sentiments with her. The memory of his female reflection sitting upon the velvety sofa with her large nose buried in a second-hand Transfiguration textbook was still clear in his mind. It would always take him a few seconds to remember that her dark eyes would never shine again; her bunny-like smile would never make an appearance; her large nose would never again pry into his business.

He hated every moment of living – Aviela's deep affection was the only thing that kept him going. He almost laughed when he thought back to how deeply he had hated her only six months prior – how she had been the bane of his existence.

The clanging of a spoon against glass rang through the room, and Headmaster Dippet stood before the students with his arms extended ceremoniously. "I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely meal and an even better school year! I am certain that we will treasure the memories we have made forevermore. I must offer a word of advice: that no matter how much time passes, we never forget the beautiful light our friends and family have shone upon us in their gracious love and sacrifice." The majority of the Great Hall seemed confused, all except for twelve students and one professor with twinkling, blue eyes. Jungkook let out a shaky breath and bent his head so that no one saw the tears clouding his eyes. Namjoon – the same boy who had delighted in taking points from his own house at Jungkook's expense not half a year ago – placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, transferring empathy with the gentle touch. "Now, in the matter of the House Cup, we must all understand that each house has made a strong effort to do good acts. One, in particular, stands out from the rest – they are the reason you sit here today, unharmed and excited to return home after a lovely year. However, as it is a matter of points, I am proud to award the House Cup to Hufflepuff." The yellow-themed house erupted with cheers and applause, some crying as they jumped up and down excitedly.

The moments after felt like a blur of activity. They were dismissed and returned to their dormitories, Aviela left Jungkook with a tender kiss on his cheek, nightmares raged through his head all night, bright sun, breakfast, packing, walking... and all of a sudden, he was seated on the Hogwarts Express in a compartment with Namjoon, Taehyung, and Aviela, minutes from King's Cross Station. Upon pulling into Platform 9 ¾, Jungkook wordlessly grabbed his and Aviela's trunks, and they exited the train. Steam bubbled around them as Aviela flew into her mother's arms, and Namjoon shakily welcomed his father's embrace.

"Welcome back, my dear," Mrs. Bianchi chuckled. "Someone missed her family... oh, Aviela, mia cara, why are you crying?" Aviela shook her head and nuzzled her face deeper into her mother's shoulder. Jungkook tried to keep his breathing level as he stood beside Taehyung, longing for the love that Mrs. Bianchi passed on to her children.

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