Chapter 26

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Yoongi's Point of View

"Yoongi," Professor Dumbledore had said after ushering him into one of Hogwarts' most secluded wings. "I am going to reveal a piece of information that must never leave this corridor – do not share this with anyone."

"Understood," Yoongi replied. Although he was concerned, he schooled his expression to mimic boredom.

Professor Dumbledore exhaled deeply, but his shoulders remained tense. "Camilla Moore – the Slytherin girl who was attacked at the Quidditch game – died in her sleep last night."

Yoongi froze – that was not the type of news he had expected. "Do you know the cause?"

"For the sake of the public, I will say that her heart suffered extreme trauma from the incident."

"And the truth?"

His weary expression and tired eyes couldn't conceal the severity of the situation. "I have a suspicion that other students were involved in her death."

Fruitlessly, Yoongi attempted to calm his pounding heart. "What do I need to do?"

"We need to discover the motive behind these incidents," Professor Dumbledore muttered, keeping his voice so low that even the nearest paintings could not distinguish what he was saying. "This is far from a first year's mischief – the attacker left a distinctly magical imprint that I could not erase. He or she is trying to reveal themselves without revealing themselves, if you follow me."

"...sorry, but I don't."

"I'm a bit distressed, I suppose." He pinched the bridge of his nose and peered at Yoongi with a severe gaze. "I am leaving this to you, Yoongi – I need you to find the perpetrator of this magic and end it."

"And what will you do?"

"A few years ago, I put a wizard in Azkaban who very nearly destroyed the weak foundation Muggles stand upon. I need to ensure he stays there."

Even without the mention of a name, Yoongi instantly recognized who Professor Dumbledore was talking about. "If he is involved, am I truly the best person for this?"

"I trust you as I would a son, Yoongi. I can't put my faith in anyone else."

"Not a teacher? Not... Slughorn?"

"Horace has his quirks; he is hardly the man for the job. Besides, did I give Horace the "important treasure", we shall say, or did I give it to you?"

"You gave it to me," Yoongi admitted. "And that may have been one of the gravest mistakes you ever made."

Professor Dumbledore's lips twitched enigmatically, and he glanced at the simple earring piercing Yoongi's helix. "I hardly think so."

Yoongi slowly weaved through Hogwarts' halls, greeting the roaming carolers with a firm nod. "So somber," a Victorian woman in a painting clicked her tongue at him. "Hardly a proper attitude for Christmastime."

Yoongi ignored her and paused to gaze at the ominous flurry of snow beyond the mullioned windows. Winter had reached a point where, rather than floating lazily from the sky, snow poured down in torrents that left inches of the fluffy substance on the ground at a time.

Symbolically, Hogwarts faced a similar torrent.

"Hello, Yoongi." A voice echoed behind him, startling him so badly that he felt his heart skip a beat out of pure terror. He sank weakly against the frosted-over window and clutched his chest as the offender laughed nervously. "Lost in thought, were you?"

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