Chapter 30

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Namjoon's Point of View

The windows shattered, emitted a piercing hiss that mingled with the screams of started students. A swarm of black-clad wizards circled them, wands peeking through the cover of cloaks.

"Where is Yoongi Min?" a raspy, female voice demanded, green eyes piercing Namjoon through the darkness.

"I-I'm sorry," Namjoon stammered, clutching his textbook against his chest. "I d-don't–"

"Yoongi Min! Where is he?"

"Ivory?" Jungkook asked, turning his head as best he could with a wand jabbing into his throat. "What are you playing at?"

She narrowed her eyes and turned to one of her associates, jerking her head towards the dark-haired boy that delighted in being the bane of Namjoon's existence. "Kill him. He has no relations to Yoongi."

"Avada Ked–"

"Stupefy!" Jaelyn tugged her wand from her robes in a split second and directed the spell at the wizard attempting to kill her twin brother. Ivory whipped around, and a bright green light issued from her wand, but it was blocked by Hoseok's defensive spell. Upon the exchange of spells, everything descended into chaos.

Namjoon's vision was blurred by light, but he fought as best he could, utilizing spells he had only read in textbooks up until that day. His heartbeat pounded in his ears as he cast a powerful Disarming Spell that sent a wizard flying into the wall so hard that it crumbled around him.

"Crucio!" the man growled, struggling to get up. Suddenly, Namjoon's limbs were burning, his vision was blurring, his head was splitting – amidst such unbearable pain, he could barely register that he was tumbling to the ground. His spine arched as a searing pain shot through him, and he screeched so loudly his voice instantly became hoarse. He was certain that this was it – he was going to die at the hands of a dark wizard – when the pain suddenly withdrew. His hearing was muffled and his vision spotty, but he could make out another wizard sidling up alongside the first and snatching the man's wand.

"Not that one," he growled in a voice so familiar that Namjoon's heart skipped a beat.


Their eyes met, one full of heart-wrenching pain, the other filled with utter confusion.

"I-I have already told you," Jin continued to the dark wizard, stammering as his eyes continually flickered toward Namjoon. "Some students are off-limits."

"If we still answered directly to Grindelwald rather than some scrawny teenager – you – no Muggle-lovers would be off-limits," the dark wizard snarled.

"Namjoon knows nothing about the Horcrux, so find another target."

With one last disgusted glance at Namjoon, the dark wizard lunged at Jimin, narrowly avoiding the boy's Stunning Spell. "J-Jin?" Namjoon managed, his vision becoming blurrier with every second that passed. For the first time in his life, his best friend ignored him and whirled on a fifth year who was coming too close. The last thing Namjoon saw before darkness enveloped him was a flash of red light, followed by a horrified scream that echoed in his ears.

Darkness was warm. Namjoon had always expected it to be cold, but it felt as though he were submerged in bathwater. He couldn't breathe, and when he opened his eyes, darker masses were swirling around him, slowly forming objects: a rundown apartment building... messily paved streets with cracks and streaks of tar... a dark alleyway. As Namjoon watched, a world spiraled into existence around him – his first thought was that he had entered an alternate dimension.

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