Chapter 11

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Yoongi's Point of View

Before his parents died, Yoongi wouldn't have been able to anticipate that he would be spending his thirteenth year crouched underneath a stand at the marketplace, attempting to steal bread. It was almost comical how his life had changed so dramatically over the course of a few years.

He slowly slipped his wand from his pocket and pictured a loaf of bread near the bottom of the stack. It was drizzled with honey and accented with dried fruits – disgusting. No one would have wanted that anyways. With a flick of his wand, the bread would fall to the ground, and the rest of the stack would come toppling into Yoongi's outstretched hands. While the baker occupied himself with saving his creations, Yoongi could slip away, and boom, he had a snack for the ride to Hogwarts.

His plan seemed flawless. Although, then again, there was one factor he hadn't considered; there was someone he did not expect to see after all his efforts to avoid him. He had even moved out of his alley to stay away from him. But, of course, nothing could keep Hoseok Jung away from Yoongi Min.

The tablecloth lifted, and Hoseok's smiling face appeared. Yoongi startled and tugged the creamy sheet down, noticing how passersby were beginning to wonder why a boy was peeking under a table at the marketplace. Hoseok frowned and raised the cloth again.

"Yoongles, aren't you happy to see me?" he asked.

"No," Yoongi grumbled. "Now, go away."

"But I've missed you this month."

"Go away, you idiot. You are attracting too much attention."

"Hey, boy!" the baker shouted. His gruff voice startled Hoseok so badly that he would have banged his head on the table if Yoongi hadn't extended a hand to protect him from injury. "What the 'ell are you doing under my table?"

"Just talking to a friend," Hoseok replied innocently.

"A friend? There's no one down there, you imbecile."

"Well, it's a funny story, but there actually is someone down there – my friend, Yoongi M–" Before another word could leave his mouth, Yoongi slammed the table backward so that it fell on top of the baker. He snatched a few loaves of bread and waved them teasingly in front of the baker's face before taking a defiant bite of the walnut-accented one.

"What's the problem?" a policeman asked a frantic woman as she approached him.

Her accusing finger flew in Yoongi's direction. "That boy! He is stealing bread!"

A low curse escaped Yoongi's lips. Hoseok's eyes widened. "You shouldn't say words like that, Yoongi."

"Shut up," he growled. He darted down the street, shoving people out of his way to avoid the imminent threat of the police. Hoseok followed with a grin that showed he didn't truly understand the gravity of the situation.

"Don't follow me!" Yoongi shouted at him. "The moment we enter this crowd, we are going to separate, and you're going to run as far away from here as you can."

"There are two thieves! You take one, I will take the other," a policeman communicated to the others. Another vulgar curse made Hoseok glance at Yoongi in shock.

"Change of plans – you're staying with me."

This was a bad idea, a really bad idea. It was quite possibly the worst idea he had ever had, but he felt like he didn't have a choice.

"I get to stay with you?" Hoseok asked eagerly. "Finally! I knew you would give in at some point, Yoongi."

"This life isn't as exciting as you think," he grumbled, enclosing his fingers around Hoseok's wrist. "We need to get to King's Cross Station within seven minutes."

Hoseok's grin faltered. "But that is a little over four blocks away from here – we will never make it in time."

Damn it. He was right.


"Mm-hmm?" At this point in their run, he had to speak in concise sentences to conserve his energy.

"I know a back passage that can take us to King's Cross Station in under five minutes."

"How do you... never mind. Lead the way, Hoseok." Hoseok smiled and skidded to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk. "What are you doing?"

"Just wait," he said, ducking his head and following the general flow of the crowd. After a few moments, when the swarm of people approached an alley, he took a sharp right and entered it, pressing them both against the wall. The sudden pace change and diversion in their course threw off the policemen, and they ran right past them, shouting to the crowd that there were two thieves on the loose.

Yoongi chuckled to himself, glancing at his innocent friend with a tinge of pride in his eyes. "Well done, Mr. Jung. Maybe you would make a favorable partner in crime."

Hoseok beamed. "Come on – King's Cross Station is this way." They maintained a fast walk through a maze of alleys until, oddly enough, they emerged in a back entrance to King's Cross Station, closer to Platform 9 ¾.

Yoongi glanced at his broken watch and began hyperventilating. "The train leaves in one minute. We need to hurry."

"Which one?" Hoseok asked, looking at the two trains bordering the platform.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed as he examined his friend's naïve demeanor. "Don't freak out, okay?"

"Freak out? What do you mean, Yoongi – ahh!" A shrill scream flew from his mouth as Yoongi fisted the material of his jacket and pulled them both directly into the brick border concealing Platform 9 ¾. Hoseok quieted down as they materialized alongside the Hogwarts Express, but the terrified and utterly confused expression remained on his face.

"To be clear," Yoongi grumbled, "this is one of the worst decisions I have ever made. You aren't supposed to be here, but I don't trust leaving you alone in the non-magic world, labeled as a thief. I will do what I can to hide you, but..." He cursed again. "This is a terrible idea, and it isn't going to work."

The train's whistleblew, and he started to panic, knowing that it could start moving any second.He glanced from Hoseok to the train and made a snap decision, tugging himtowards the train's entrance. "Come on. Welcome to the Hogwarts Express."

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