Chapter 21

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Jungkook's Point of View

"You have been single for a week," Taehyung noted as he and Jungkook walked through a dimly-lit corridor to the Potions classroom. "That must be a new record."

"Don't remind me," Jungkook winced. "My last one – Margaret – was a mistake."

"One could argue that all of your endeavors were..." His voice trailed off, and he suddenly became very interested in fiddling with the pages of his textbook.

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his temple – he could feel an oncoming headache. Even his best friend feared his temper. "You can say it."

But Taehyung never got to finish his sentence because Mr. Pringle, the caretaker of the school, stepped around the corner, brandishing a wooden cane. His narrow eyes formed menacing slits as they fell upon the two boys. "Late for class, are you?" he sneered. The alignment of his back always seemed slightly crooked – Jungkook credited it to years of caning misbehaving students, and he wasn't about to become another victim.

Taehyung and Jungkook were quick to mutter their apologies before walking around him, their feet pattering against the floor in a more rapid rhythm. Mr. Pringle's eyes burned into their backs as they descended into the dungeons of Hogwarts. They arrived at the Potions classroom just as Professor Slughorn called his students to attention.

"Ah, Mr. Collins!" the professor called out after politely greeting Taehyung. "So nice of you to join us. I was beginning to wonder if you intended to show up at all."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Professor," Jungkook remarked with an arrogant tilt of his head as he sat down beside Hoseok. As usual, the boy offered him a small smile as greeting and continued to cast hopeful glances at an oblivious Nara.

"Nonsense, my dear boy – it is always a pleasure to have you in class." The words were spoken to Jungkook, but Professor Slughorn's gaze was focused on Chloe, admiration shining through his pale green eyes. She subtly hid her face with her hair, embarrassed by the attention. When her eyes locked with Jungkook's, he winked, and a slow smile curved her lips. Beside her, the only seventh year in their class sat with his brows furrowed. Considering his current failure in Potions, Jungkook wondered how many times he intended to take the course before he bothered to learn the material.

"Today, I have a special announcement for you," Professor Slughorn addressed the class again. "As I am sure some of you are aware, I love to commemorate the best students in my class with dinner parties. This year, because most of you have learned the material so well and overcome obstacles on the path to becoming masters of potions–" He caught Jin in his peripheral vision, and his lips twisted with disappointment, "–I would like to reward each of you with the opportunity to attend Hogwarts' Christmas ball."

Jin's hand shot up into the air, and the professor called on him. "Is it mandatory?"

The professor appeared baffled. "W-well, no, but I don't see why any of you would refuse. It is going to be a spectacular event with decorations and a classic Christmas meal – and it will not interfere with your holiday plans, as it falls on the evening before you depart from Hogwarts."

"He had me at 'classic Christmas meal'," Jungkook muttered to Hoseok.

"Are there any questions?" The flickering torchlight filled the silence. "Let us get onto the lesson, then."

Once he released them to attempt their newest potion, Nara frowned at Jungkook and Taehyung, deliberately ignoring Hoseok. "Don't you find Professor Slughorn's announcement a bit odd?"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, absentmindedly adding a Shrivelfig's purple liquid to the cauldron.

"To say that most of us have learned the material well is a severe overstatement – half of the class is failing."

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