Chapter 19

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Chloe's Point of View

"10 points to Ravenclaw! Oh, but Chaser and long-running captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team Andrew Snowyowl intercepts the Quaffle. He dodges a Bludger... races to the hoops... and... nice shot! 10 points to Slytherin! The Ravenclaw and Slytherin teams are now tied!"

"Oh, come on," Chloe mumbled under her breath, clutching the wooden railing so hard that her knuckles turned white. Jungkook flipped 180 degrees and sped by the Ravenclaw stands, the colorful curse on his breath making Chloe wince. What should have been a crisp and clear autumn day was muddled by the tension between houses. The Ravenclaw section outlining the pitch was a flood of blue and bronze – one boy wore a crest's beak over his nose, and a girl was waving blue feathers madly in the air. On the opposite side, the Slytherins screamed and jeered at them.

"Careful, love, or you will break the railing," Jin remarked from beside her, gently prying her hands from the wood.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, her hands shaking with anticipation, "but I can't help it! This is the first year that Ravenclaw has a chance at winning the Quidditch Cup."

"There went our chance," he said as Slytherin scored another ten points. The game was edging into its third hour, but Chloe couldn't spot a single spectator that looked bored – aside from Jin, that was. His eyes reflected an eerie tranquility that seemed counterintuitive to the intense game.

"Can't you do something about those Slytherins?" Chloe asked Jimin quietly as one boy screamed a nasty curse across the pitch. He looked momentarily surprised to hear her speak to him, but was interrupted by his elder brother before he could reply.

"Yes, do something, Mr. Prefect," Jin sneered.

"Only I have the privilege of calling him Mr. Prefect," Nadya growled, purposely waving her blue flag in front of Jin's face. Her face, which was painted with blue stripes, twisted into a scowl.

Jimin cast her a look of silent thanks. "I'm sorry, Chloe, but the Slytherins haven't interfered in the match."

"It is only a matter of time before they do," Jaelyn noted.

"Even so, I can't accuse someone of committing a crime before it occurs. You'll need to find yourself another prefect for that."

Nadya's shoulders slumped slightly and she went in search of Ravenclaw's female prefect, who was known for only taking points from Slytherins.

Chloe focused on the two players warring for the Quaffle in the middle of the pitch. In a nearly imperceptible motion, the Slytherin grabbed the Ravenclaw's broomstick, causing her to lose her momentum and drop the Quaffle. Below, it was intercepted by another Slytherin who scored a goal for his team.

"Penalty!" Chloe screamed, jumping to her feet. "Penalty to Ravenclaw. I have read the rulebook, and Rule #112 forbids players to take control of and/or interfere with another person's broomstick."

As if she heard Chloe's shouts from across the pitch, Madam Hooch blew her whistle and pointed to the Ravenclaw team. "That is a penalty to Ravenclaw." The blue-decorated house erupted with cheers, and Chloe whooped at the top of her lungs when Jungkook managed to score ten points.

"Yeah, Jungkook!" Jaelyn hollered as her twin swooped by with a cocky wink that made half of the girls in the section melt. Jin looked a bit affronted at the Ravenclaw's success – which Chloe found odd – while Jimin wore a beautiful, relaxed smile that she had not seen for many months. Between a prefect's heavy responsibility and the increased homework load to prepare for their O.W.L.s, his shoulders always seemed to be tense and his usual frown rarely left his lips.

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