Chapter 34

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Nadya's Point of View

The two warring sides were unbearably distinct in the moments that followed. The students that fought to keep the Horcrux out of Grindelwald's reach were marred by wear and sorrow. A distraught Namjoon shielded Taehyung, who cowered behind a thick bush with his hands slapped over his ears. Strangled sobs escaped Jungkook's mouth as he struggled to hold Chloe and Aviela behind him. Nara and Hoseok were paralyzed with fear, unable to fully comprehend such a terrible phenomenon as death. Jimin fought Jin directly, his eyes blazing with ire.

And Yoongi – poor, grief-stricken Yoongi. His eyes swam with unshed tears, and his hand shook with every curse he cast. Driven by a dangerous combination of rage and sorrow, green light expelled from his wand, seeking to kill that which murdered his best friend. Every time he stepped away from Jaelyn to attack, he swiftly returned to his aimless protection of the corpse. It was as though he hoped to delay the inevitable realization that she was gone.

On the opposite side, Ivory led a dozen dark wizards who were as invigorated by Jaelyn's death as the students were torn apart. Jin stumbled backward as a witch issued a Stunning Spell that sent Jimin flying into a tree trunk with a horrific crack. Another scream echoed through the clearing, but Jungkook grabbed Chloe's wrist before she could run to Jimin's aid.

"When are those damned Aurors coming?" Nadya snarled at Yoongi, unintended malice slipping into her tone. He shook his head, unable to speak under the pressure of Ivory's spell. "This fight needs to finish, or we are all going to end up like Jaelyn." The mention of his lost best friend made fresh tears pour down his cheeks, and the strength of his counteractive spell weakened.

"Jin!" Chloe's arms flailed in the air, struggling against Jungkook's attempts to silence her. "Please, stop this – no more death."

"Don't listen to her," Ivory cackled. "Do me a favor, and hit that tree, will you?"

Jin stayed frozen, his conflicted gaze centering on a deeply distraught Chloe. A continuous flow of tears mixed with the blood and ash plaguing her face, doubling in intensity every time she spotted Jaelyn, motionless on the snowy ground.

"...will you?" Ivory repeated coldly, her piercing green eyes warning Jin not to resist.

"I don't know what to do," he whispered.

"What did you say?"

"Ivory." He turned his pleading gaze to her. "Let's stop this while we still can. The Horcrux isn't worth it."

"Be careful, Jin." Praying she was distracted, Nadya aimed a curse at her, but it deflected off of her powerful Shield Charm – it was disconcerting how well she fought two powerful wizards while conversing with her associate. "I would hate to think you were implying that our leader isn't worth our loyalty."

Jin's eyes met the glassed-over, lifeless gaze of Jaelyn, and he shuddered. "Nothing is worth an innocent death."

Ivory squinted at Jin for a moment, and then lashed out before he had a chance to react. "Imperio."

"No, Jin!" Chloe finally broke from Jungkook's grasp but tripped on a root. Jin's wand hand shot out, the tip aimed at Chloe's vulnerable, shaking body. "Jin," she whimpered, "Please, don't." Although his face was emotionless as stone, his dark eyes still swam with hurt. But in the instant that Jungkook yanked Chloe to her feet and shoved her behind him, all confliction disappeared from Jin's countenance.

"Stupefy," he uttered.

"Protego!" Jungkook's powerful spell sent a wave of magic through the clearing that knocked even Ivory to the ground. Struggling to regain her breath, Nadya stumbled towards the location of the Horcrux. Cold snow was all that enveloped her fingers until cool metal brushed against her skin, and she grasped the simple earring.

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