Chapter 15

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Jaelyn's Point of View

Nadya left a trail of pumpkin pasties and chocolate frogs as she walked down the length of the train. First year students took advantage of her wealth and snatched up whatever spilled from her grasp. Still, her arms were full of packages when she arrived at her friends' compartment. "Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans, anyone?" she offered as a box snuck over the curve of her elbow and tumbled to the floor.

"No, thank you," Jimin grimaced. Jaelyn sympathized with him – coming from Muggle environments, neither had grown accustomed to voluntarily eating candies that had the potential to taste awful.

Nadya startled as though she had just noticed Jimin. She dumped the pile of candy into his lap and bowed deeply. "I apologize, Mr. Prefect, sir – I didn't see you there, Mr. Prefect, sir. Please forgive me, Mr. Prefect, sir–"

"Oh, be quiet," he scowled, already flushing.

Nadya, being Nadya, did no such thing. She gasped and jabbed a finger at the silver badge shining proudly on his robes. "Mr. Prefect – your badge is so shiny! Have you been polishing it?"

"If you don't stop teasing me, I'll take five points from Ravenclaw," he threatened.

Nadya wagged a finger and grinned. "Ah, but you cannot do that, my dear Mr. Prefect–"

"Are you going to call me that all year?"

"–as the schoolyear has yet to begin, so has your ability to take away points. And besides, I'm certain that you want Ravenclaw to win the House Cup as much as the rest of us." She scoffed and plopped into her seat, ruffled at the thought of losing the House Cup once again to Hufflepuff, of all the houses.

"I cannot abuse my privileges," he insisted, straightening his badge out of habit. "I must be fair and unbiased in taking points from all houses, even if it is my own."

"Spoken like a true prefect," Jaelyn chuckled.

She was hardly surprised at Jimin's success. He and Chloe were the most studious of the group – they often completed schoolwork in the common room while the other three wreaked havoc across the castle – and it had paid off for both of them. Chloe was Professor Slughorn's favorite student – she was invited to his dinner parties at least once a month – and Jimin had recently been appointed a Ravenclaw prefect.

Jaelyn reached over to snatch a pumpkin pasty from Jimin's lap. While she chewed the dessert and savored the sweetness of pumpkin on her tongue, she peered out at the darkening countryside beyond the window. "We must be nearly at Hogwarts by now," she noted. As if on cue, the train began to brake and came to a gradual stop in front of Hogsmeade Station.

Jaelyn couldn't have exited the train fast enough.

Every summer, she yearned for Hogwarts' familiar tingle of magic – in the Muggle world, it was easy to feel like her magic was being suppressed. The dim lanterns barely provided enough light to guide them through the platform, but Jaelyn knew her surroundings by heart.

"First years?" the gamekeeper Ogg called from the dock. "First years, come this way!" Jaelyn was filled with a fond recollection as she watched a shivering girl clutch her brother's hand and hesitantly approach the gamekeeper. Five years ago, she, too, had faced her destiny for the first time.

"Farewell, Mr. Prefect!" Nadya called, flapping her hand at Jimin. His shoulders hunched up to his ears to hide his embarrassment, and he joined the other prefects beside their designated carriage. The Head Boy, Namjoon Bianchi, strode in with an air of importance, clutching a textbook to his chest as though he couldn't bear to let it go. He stretched out a hand for Jimin to shake formally. Startled, Jimin fumbled with his sleeve until his hand emerged, and they awkwardly shook hands. Laughing at the interaction, Jaelyn made a slow turn towards the carriages and came face to face with a demon.

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