Chapter 13

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Five years later.

Nadya's Point of View

"I can't see anything."

"Well, that is because you are unprepared."

" didn't."

"Of course, I did."

"You brought binoculars?"

Nadya wiggled the contraption in front of Yoongi's stunned face and grinned. "How else are we supposed to see them?"

"The goal is to stay under the radar," Jaelyn reminded her, "and the glare coming off the lens of the binoculars will surely alert their attention."

"They will be too busy gazing into each other's eyes to even look in this direction."

The three troublemakers were lying on their stomachs behind a thick bush that lined the edge of the flowery maze in Jimin's backyard. The precisely tailored plant provided enough coverage to conceal their covert operation, but small pockets of space in the tangle of thistles and leaves allowed Nadya's binoculars to see past the greenery to the two objects of interest.

Chloe and Jimin were having a picnic in the grassy plain near Jimin's house. They sat atop a checkered blanket, the spoils of Jimin's kitchen spread out before them on ornate platters. According to Nadya's handy-dandy binoculars, the little idiot had reserved an entire plate for a single lemon, cut and deseeded to perfection. It was official – he had taken his love of sour food to an extreme level. Chloe's face scrunched up with laughter at something Jimin said, and she accidentally dropped a piece of chocolate onto her worn skirt. Jimin was quick to help her wipe it away with a napkin and pretended not to notice the blush that blossomed on her face.

"They're hopeless," Yoongi chuckled. "Give me those, will you?" He unceremoniously yanked the expensive contraption from Nadya's hand and squinted through the lens. "Is that a lemon?"

"Didn't you know he likes sour things?" Jaelyn asked, her cheeks reddening when Yoongi met her gaze.

"I knew that, but I didn't think he was crazy enough to bring a sliced lemon to a picnic."

"You clearly don't know him, then," Nadya remarked. "Give my binoculars back."


She scowled at his obstinate behavior and snatched them away from him. "They're mine – if you wanted binoculars, you should have brought your own."

"Why would I have binoculars? Why do you have binoculars?"

"Why not?"

She peered into the binoculars and adjusted the focus until she could see Jimin and Chloe clearly. With the chocolate incident behind them, their friendly conversation resumed, and Jimin's rigid muscles relaxed slightly.

Yoongi hummed thoughtfully beside her. "And they say this isn't a date."

The two had often insisted – even without prompting – that the undeniable romantic tension between them was nonexistent, but their feelings were betrayed by their longing stares when the other was not looking. Even now, amidst their pleasant exchange of words, a light blush dusted both of their cheeks. Unlike how Jimin sat when he was in Nadya's presence – sprawling out across whatever space was provided – he sat upright on the picnic blanket with his legs crossed properly in front of him. Chloe held herself stiffly, but one subtle adjustment made her skirt ride up on her thighs. Jimin's eyes widened, and he wiped his sweaty palms nervously on the fabric of his trousers.

Nadya snickered as Chloe absentmindedly toyed with the hem of her skirt, unaware of Jimin's fluster. "Well done, Chloe."

"What is she doing?"

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