Chapter 8

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Jaelyn's Point of View

The approaching autumn season cast a brisk chill in the air. The dryness normally parched Jaelyn's lips and made her hands crack and peel, but this year was an exception. Although plenty of passersby were rubbing their hands anxiously with thick, moisturizing lotion, Jaelyn felt a static buzz in the air that provided a mysterious warmth in the pit of her stomach. She had experienced the same tingling when she touched her wand for the first time – the feeling she supposed to be powerful magic.

Something was about to happen. But what?

Suddenly, a blur of a figure smacked into her shoulder, and she tumbled to the ground with a squeal of surprise. Two policemen ran past her, one of them nearly crushing her flailing hand with his boot. A few moments passed before someone gripped her hand and yanked her to her feet. She squeaked and stumbled forward into her rescuer's chest.

"Sorry about that," he mumbled. "Bobbies don't quite understand the poor." His platinum hair hung in matted waves around his head, and a glittering earring pierced his helix. He was handsome, to be sure, but Jaelyn was more concerned with his familiarity.

"Have we seen each other before?" she asked curiously.

He studied her, his dark eyes boring holes into hers. "If you are the girl who ran out of an old shack screaming some nonsense about the devil, then yes, I have seen you before." His mouth seemed to be drawn into a permanent frown that had only deepened since he initiated a conversation with Jaelyn. "Who are you, anyways?"

"You expect me to reveal my name to a stranger? What else would you like – my home address?"

His lips quirked slightly. "Funny. I'll just call you Freak Girl."

"And what shall I call you? Convict Boy?"

A low, raspy chuckle escaped his mouth, chilling Jaelyn to the bone. "Yoongi would suffice. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a bit of business to attend to." Yoongi yanked the hood of his jacket over his head and began to follow the general flow of the sidewalk. He paused once to look back at her with his lips pursed in confusion. He hummed softly and then disappeared amidst the bustle.

Jaelyn snorted in his general direction, trying to replace her uneasiness with amusement. "Convict Boy it is, then."

The sky became darker and darker, a sign that – despite Jaelyn's buzzing warmth – autumn was nearly upon London. Jaelyn twisted the doorknob to her house and entered it, ignoring the man getting pummeled directly across the street. Without greeting any members of her family, she headed up the staircase to her dormer – it had become a habit to avoid interactions of all sorts. She hummed aimlessly until a loud knock sounded on the door, followed by a piercing screech.

"Jaelyn, will you get that?"

"I can't – I'm busy," Jaelyn called noncommittally to her sister. She heard Soon-ja's pounding footsteps ascend the stairs before she saw the irate expression decorating her visage. Frizzy, loose hairs framed her face like a halo, and her glasses had once again slipped low on the bridge of her nose.

"Answer the door," she growled, "or I'll tell Mother you have been in that house again."

"But I haven't!"

"She won't believe you – you're already on perbation."

"Do you mean probation? And that isn't even the correct context for the word." Soon-ja hurled the first thing within her hand's reach at her sister, which happened to be a pillow. Jaelyn scowled and scurried down the stairs before Soon-ja decided to throw something a bit heavier.

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