Chapter 9

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Taehyung's Point of View

"So, you want to get out?"

Jungkook shrugged and continued stroking Marigold's velvety neck. He and Taehyung had been sitting in the horse's stall for the past hour, working through problems by means of conversation, and both of their legs were becoming stiff.

"I just don't know how much longer I can handle being bullied."

"Jaelyn and Soon-ja don't get bullied, do they?"

Jungkook shook his head. "They wouldn't let it happen. Me? I just deal with it."


"I would rather it be me than them."

All of a sudden, an owl flew past the barn door with a package of letters clutched in its talons. Taehyung's eyes widened, and he silently prayed that Jungkook hadn't seen it. Thankfully oblivious, the boy kept lightly petting the mare, his gaze focused on her soulful dark eyes.

"We should head inside," Taehyung said vaguely. Jungkook rose after scratching between Marigold's ears, and they exited the barn. The approaching autumn made the air chilly, and Jungkook pulled his ragged wool jacket tighter around his frame. Taehyung knocked on the front door to the country-style home, giving the Everleighs enough time to erase all visible presence of magic from their home. A loud snap sounded from the inside, and then Mr. Everleigh shouted, "Come in."

Taehyung opened the door and ushered Jungkook inside. His eyes immediately flew to Nara, and he couldn't deny that it made his heart pound a little faster to see a light blush dust over her cheeks.

"Hi, Jungkook!" Eira exclaimed, waving at Taehyung's friend. Jungkook managed a small wave back, his doe eyes darting curiously around the home.

"We have just received mail," Mr. Everleigh said, biting his lip to hide the blatant excitement racing through his mind as he waved the letters in the air. "Why don't you two sit down? I will fix you a spot of tea while my girls read their letters." Jungkook and Taehyung obediently sat at the kitchen table between Mr. Everleigh and Nara.

"Darling, mail is here!" Mr. Everleigh called up the stairs, his words packed with meaning.

"Do you mean the mail we have been waiting for?" a female voice echoed down.

"Yes! Come down, will you?"

A loud squeal followed Mr. Everleigh's affirmation, and Mrs. Everleigh hurried down to the kitchen. She was an older woman, but it didn't show in her youthful skin and smooth blonde hair, which was almost always tucked into a bun atop her head. She sat down in the chair beside her husband so quickly that the tea sloshed in Taehyung's cup.

"This letter," Mr. Everleigh announced, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose with a quivering hand, "is addressed to Ms. N. Everleigh."

"That's you," Mrs. Everleigh squealed. She nudged her daughter, whose eyes were alight with anticipation.

Mr. Everleigh ripped through the envelope and pulled out the letter as if it was an incomparable treasure. He smoothed down the parchment, cleared his throat, and read the note out loud. "Dear Ms. Everleigh, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at, uh... the highly-acclaimed school for very gifted students." Taehyung hid a smile, knowing that Mr. Everleigh changed the contents of the letter to accommodate their Muggle guest.

"There you have it. You have been accepted, my dear Nara," he announced with tears of joy and pride shining in his eyes. Mrs. Everleigh let out a joyful whoop and kissed her daughter firmly on the cheek.

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