Chapter 17

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Chloe's Point of View

"Have a bit of toast. Here – I will put some marmalade on it to make it tastier."

"I'm good."

"Jaelyn, you need to eat. Studies show that breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"I'm not hungry."

Chloe relented with a deep sigh and ate the marmalade-covered toast herself. Jaelyn picked at her porridge while staring at the enormous double doors, her foot tapping impatiently beneath the table. When the doors burst open and admitted a flurry of owls, she jumped to her feet and snatched a letter from midair. The old tawny owl perched on her shoulder as she ripped through the envelope and anxiously scanned the piece of parchment. Chloe peered over her shoulder and managed to read the first half of the letter before Jaelyn passed it along to her brother.

Dear Jaelyn and Jungkook,

I hope you are having an awful time at Hogwarts – I will never forgive you for having magic in your blood and abandoning me. I wasn't entirely certain how to handle the owl, so if this letter never reaches you, I apologize. Post by owl is a much cheaper alternative to the postal service, anyways.

I have been working at the pub downtown. I managed to scrounge enough money for a proper burial in an old graveyard. Even if we couldn't manage a funeral, I hope Mum's ghost will be satisfied – who knows, perhaps she might haunt Hogwarts someday?

Jungkook, I think you would do well to remember that the idea of Howlers fascinates me. Should you ever risk your life over a stupid game again – yes, your Quaffle coach, or whatever it is called, was pleased to inform me what happened – I will not hesitate to send one your way. And I will make it as loud as possible so that everyone hears – especially that Namjoon Bianchi you complain about.

As for you, Jaelyn, your boy situation intrigues me. Have you ever considered telling him how you feel? Honestly, you can be the biggest idiot sometimes

Chloe shoveled toast into her mouth, pretending she hadn't been reading the letter from Jaelyn's eldest sister Soon-ja. She was pleased to hear that their mother had been properly buried but was at a loss when it came to the "boy situation" Soon-ja spoke of. As far as Chloe was concerned, her best friend hadn't brought any "boy situations" to light.

Oh, well.

Jaelyn would tell her when she was ready.

"Another letter from your parents, Nadya?" Yoongi asked, piling an excessive amount of bacon onto his plate.

Nadya shrugged and ripped the parchment in half before tossing it up to her family owl. "After five years, they still feel the need to express their disappointment about my being sorted into Ravenclaw. I have a good many things I could say to them while they are on the topic of disappointment, but I might dry up my ink bottle."

"I'm sure they have the best intentions," Chloe assured her.

Nadya snorted. "Clearly, you don't know my parents."

"We should go to Transfiguration," Jimin said, noticing how students were beginning to exit the Great Hall.

"Of course, Mr. Prefect – I can understand how such a dignified student as yourself would want to reach class on time." Before Chloe could reproach her for annoying Jimin – which had become a daily routine – Nadya began gathering her school supplies and said nothing further.

The day progressed slowly, and Chloe couldn't have been happier to collapse in the Ravenclaw common room. She didn't have much interest in sports, so while the others eagerly attended the special dinner to celebrate the formation of the new Quidditch team, she busied herself with schoolwork.

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