Chapter 25

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Aviela's Point of View

Aviela hadn't been sure how she would survive an entire evening beside Jungkook Collins, but she very nearly managed it.

Her mind was swirling with a dizzy delirium when she and Jungkook finally abandoned dancing in favor of refreshments. They snuck occasional glances at each other while snacking on muffins, and whenever their eyes met, they blushed and feigned deep interest in their dessert. Aviela couldn't resist a smile when she noticed Jungkook's ears turning pink – she had not thought it possible for him to blush until their first date.

"Aviela!" Jaelyn's brows were furrowed with frustration as she approached Aviela and asked, "You wouldn't happen to know where Jimin is, would you?"

"No," Aviela said apologetically. "I saw him run out of the Great Hall a few minutes ago, if that helps."

Jaelyn ruffled her already-mussed hair anxiously. "I suppose he could have returned to the common room."

Chloe scurried to Jaelyn's side, her eyes rimmed with red. "Any luck?" Following the somber shake of Jaelyn's head, Chloe buried her face in her hands and sniffled loudly. "I feel awful – this is all my fault."

"Excuse me," a girl with curly hair muttered, nudging through the dense crowd to reach the refreshments. She seemed oblivious to Chloe's distress as she initiated conversation with Jaelyn. "Please talk to me."

"I'm sorry?" Jaelyn replied, bewildered.

"Just talk to me – about anything. There is a boy who won't leave me alone, and I–"

"Nara!" A bright face emerged from the mass of students, smiling shyly at the curly-haired girl. "I was hoping I would see you tonight. I-I want to tell you that you look lovely."

Nara's brows furrowed with clear annoyance, and she continued speaking to Jaelyn as though they were in the middle of a conversation. "Can you believe that Professor Slughorn gave us homework over our winter break?"

"It is terribly unfair," Jaelyn agreed hesitantly, glancing from the frustrated girl to her oblivious male counterpart.

"I don't mind, actually," Hoseok interjected lightly. "I rather enjoy Potions, but I didn't come over here to talk about that. N-Nara? I was wondering if you might dance with me." His eyes glistened with the fear of rejection, but a touch of hope remained in his smile.

Nara, oblivious to both aspects, whirled on him and snapped, "For the last time, Hoseok, no! Can't you take a hint? I am not interested, and I never will be." Her blue dress whipped against his legs as she stormed in the opposite direction, leaving the boy looking positively crestfallen. Aviela's jaw was slack, unsure of what to say or do that might ease Hoseok's hurt.

"Is there a problem here?" Namjoon asked severely, his chest puffed out to emphasize his Head Boy badge.

"N-no," Hoseok replied tremulously. He sniffled, rubbed the sleeves of his formal robes against his eyes, and exited the Great Hall, taking deep breaths to ease his aching heart.

"That's horrible," Jaelyn murmured. "Breaking someone's heart is bad enough, but humiliating them in public?"

"I feel Hoseok's pain simply watching him," Aviela added. She looked towards Jungkook, hoping he shared her sentiments, but he was absent from his previous spot. She tried to expel her worries from her mind; she tried to pretend that the sickening feeling in her gut was nonexistent. But no matter what she did, she couldn't prepare herself for the sight of Jungkook speaking intimately with a blonde sixth year a few paces away. Namjoon's hands balled into fists, but he gaped and froze before he could do any harm to Jungkook. Jaelyn was on the verge of screeching Jungkook's name when her voice died in her throat. Tears stilled in Chloe's eyes as she gasped, finally breaking the stupor everyone had entered.

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