Chapter 12

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Aviela's Point of View

Aviela sat with her knees tucked up against her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs, generating a cage of protection around her body. The train sped by rolling hills of bright green grass that glistened in the rapidly setting sun – unfamiliar and desolate, in Aviela's opinion.

"Isn't that hilarious?" Namjoon asked, grinning as his friend doubled over in laughter opposite him.

"Oh, Namjoon," Jin laughed. "That has to be the funniest story I've heard since spring." His dark eyes swam with tears from the ridiculous story Namjoon had relayed – Aviela could recall her brother flirting with a girl and then asking if her dog was free for a date. She had found it hilarious, but that was before Mattie's murder.

"Since spring? How bad was your summer?"

The older boy groaned and tilted his head back to reveal the structured column of his throat. "It was terrible. My brat brother was constantly pestering me."

"What did he do this time?"

"He unleashed his friend's cat in my room."

"That doesn't sound too awful."

"Oh, no, it wasn't – Cleo only ripped half of my room apart."

"What time is it?" Aviela whispered in her brother's ear, eager to escape the confines of this compartment. Namjoon flashed her a glimpse of the watch on his right wrist, and she returned to watching the darkness of night spread across the highlands of Scotland.

The boys' laughter was beginning to hurt Aviela's ears when the train slowed to a gradual stop. She disliked hearing anyone be so happy that they could succumb to a fit of uncontrollable laughter – but it was only because she wished such brightness could take precedence in her life. The deep depression she had entered rendered that impossible, though.

"Stay close to my side, Aviela," Namjoon said gently. He reached down to hold her hand as black-clad students swarmed into the aisle.

"Namjoon," Jin whispered as they maneuvered through the crowd, "what happened that made your sister so depressed? Is it because... your brother...?" Namjoon nodded somberly. "That's such a terrible thing your family had to endure."

"Don't forget it – be glad you still have a brother."

Jin shook his head. "I would give up Jimin in a heartbeat if it would get your brother back."

Namjoon hushed his friend, noticing the distraught expression on Aviela's face. Upon exiting the train, the night chill sent shivers down Aviela's spine, and she huddled closer to Namjoon. He held her tightly, careful not to lose her in the ever-growing horde of Hogwarts students.

"First years! First years, come this way!" a blond-haired man with a mustache called out over the excited jumble.

"Aviela, that's you," Namjoon said. "Don't get lost, all right? Stay with Professor Kettleburn and your fellow first years. I'll try to find you after you have been sorted."

Aviela clutched his warm hand, unwilling to let go. "What if we end up in different houses, Joonie?"

"That is entirely up to the Sorting Hat, but I'll still spend as much time with you as I can." He stopped a passing girl with robes that pooled at her feet, causing her to trip. "Excuse me, are you a first year?"

"Yes," the girl said, grabbing the hand of her male companion to stop him from going on without her.

"Could you take my sister Aviela and make sure she reaches Hogwarts safely?"

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