Chapter 3

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Jaelyn's Point of View

"Now, children, I won't be home when you return from running errands. I'll be at – Jungkook, will you please stop whining – the sewing club – Soon-ja, don't hold Elizabeth upside down. Jaelyn, come down already! Those groceries won't get themselves!"

Jaelyn startled at her mother's piercing shriek but continued to stare out her window. She knew she had heard a crash from within the abandoned house last afternoon, but when she and Chloe had visited all those years ago, it was almost eerie how empty the interior had been. One might have assumed it had always been vacant if it weren't for the yellowing wallpaper and minor scratches on the flooring.

But why would there have been a crash? No one had gone in or out of that house since she and Chloe did.

"Jaelyn Collins! For the last time, get down here!"

Jaelyn sighed and descended the staircase, smiling far too innocently at her mother on her way out the door – she was still nervous that her mother had seen her and was withholding punishment.

"Are you certain you heard a crash?" she whispered to Chloe as the two walked to the store to fetch that evening's dinner.

"I'm positive," Chloe replied. "Why? What are you thinking?"

Jaelyn was silent.

"No. We are not going inside that house again."

"It's the perfect time to explore – my mother will not be home this afternoon."

"What if that was a ploy, and we get caught? Your mother will skin the both of us!"

"Do you want to find out what's in that house or not?"

"I do, but it isn't safe. None of this feels right."

"And that is precisely why we, as detectives, must solve this mystery."

"We aren't detectives, though."

"We are now, my dear Watson."

Jaelyn could barely focus on what she was purchasing at the grocery store and very nearly bought ten too many potatoes. After fetching their laundry and scouring the streets for lost cash, she hurried home with Chloe, praying that the setting sun wasn't a signal they were too late.

"Why are you walking so quickly?" the blonde asked, struggling to keep up with her friend's brisk pace.

"We need to get home before Jungkook and Soon-ja, or they will rat us out."

"Jaelyn, I have a very bad feeling about this."

"I do, too. That's what makes me certain it must be done."

Even with all her confidence, Jaelyn still paused for a moment on the doorstep of the old house and tried to prepare herself for what might be coming. What if someone had stacked dead bodies in the house, and they toppled over when the baseball soared through the window? She attempted to laugh off that ridiculous thought, but all that came out was a small squeak. Truth be told, neither she nor Chloe had any idea what they might face, and that was rather frightening.

"Jaelyn," Chloe groaned, wringing her hands. "If we are going to go inside, can we please go quickly? I can't stand waiting around like this."

"Mm-hmm." Jaelyn's gaze fell to the waiting doorknob, which was molded into the shape of a roaring lion's head. It seemed as though this house was once grand, but abandonment had shaped it into an old, broken shack. Slowly, bracing herself for the worst, Jaelyn twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Nothing jumped out, but the hinges creaked eerily, and she and Chloe both let out soft screams.

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