Chapter 7

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Jimin's Point of View

That day marked one of the rare weekdays during which Jimin's father bothered to join his children for breakfast. He usually scrambled for reasons to return to the city early in the morning, but it seemed that, lately, he had run out of excuses. He glanced awkwardly from the morning newspaper to his children, who were glaring daggers at each other.

"So, Jin," he coughed in a feeble attempt to ease the tension. "I will need to take you to King's Cross soon, won't I?"

"Yes," Jin replied shortly, baring his teeth at his younger brother. That morning, Jimin had found it amusing to steal his clothes and towels from the bathroom while he was showering. The two continually pestered each other during the summers when Jin returned home from his boarding school – Jimin had already given him a pleasant going-away present involving Nadya's cat and Jin's room.

"I can't wait," Jimin replied with enthusiasm. "Another schoolyear without you sounds like paradise."

"That's... enough, Jimin," their father scolded unsurely. He wasn't used to reprimanding his boys – the family's exhausted butler was usually left in charge of disciplinary practices. Jimin took advantage of this and grinned wickedly.

"Speaking of paradise, Jin, I'm sure you will love to see what I have done with your room. I took it upon myself to clean it for you."

Their father smiled weakly, missing the mischievous tinge in Jimin's tone. "That's kind of you, son."

"You did what?" Jin exploded, his face reddening with anger. "What did you do to it, brat?"

"Jin!" his father exclaimed, aghast. "Your brother did a good deed – shouldn't you show some gratitude?"

"Yeah, Jin," the youngest taunted.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Jin repeated, his tone as menacing as his balled-up fists.

Jimin shrugged and picked at his porridge. "Cleo was a bit restless in his big, empty mansion, and I figured he would love to explore your room."

"Explore? He will tear the place apart!"

"Who is Cleo?" their father asked.

"Nadya's cat," they replied at the same time. Jimin wore a proud smirk on his face while Jin's head swelled like a balloon. He was practically quivering with rage as he shoved his chair back from the table and stalked out of the dining hall, very nearly knocking over a maid who had arrived with more food.

"Jimin," the baron sighed deeply in disappointment. "I'm beginning to believe you enjoy torturing your brother. Someday, you will regret all this nonsense."

Jimin laughed so hard he choked on his porridge.

The tall double doors opened, and for a moment, Jimin wondered if Jin had returned to murder him. Then the butler's wrinkled head poked in the doorway, his eyes shining with worry. "My lord? You have visitors waiting in the foyer."

"Visitors?" His father's frustrated frown deepened. "I can't recall making any morning appointments."

"That is because you didn't, sir." The butler looked oh-so-tired as he walked across the room, bent over, and whispered furiously in the baron's ear. Jimin leaned in curiously and was able to make out a few words amidst the hissing. "Bianchi... Hogwarts business... wands."

"No," Jimin's father refused, swallowing hard. He appeared almost guilty as he avoided Jimin's gaze. "I won't see them."

"I'm afraid they are insisting."

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