Chapter 27

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Jin's Point of View

Jin's vision unfocused as he dozed off, twirling his wand absentmindedly around his hand. His mind was unable to move past that wintery night where he nearly sealed his fate as a dark wizard. He had previously lived in secrecy – making it easier for him to cope with his choices – but he could never forgive himself for taking someone's life into his hands.

The door clicked open and admitted a curvy figure who stood as a silhouette in the doorway. Her lips twisted into a knowing smirk as she entered the Ravenclaw common room.

"Kim Seokjin." Ivory enunciated each syllable of his name mockingly. "What do you think he would say if he saw you moping like this?"

"I'm not moping," Jin growled, glaring at her. "And how did you get in here on your own, anyway? The door is closed to students from other houses."

She waved her hand dismissively. "A simple enchantment was enough." The cushions shifted as she lowered herself onto the sofa beside Jin. "We need to make a move sooner or later. Our window is closing."

"Did we even have a window in the first place?"

"What are you talking about? Of course, we did. That's the very reason we both came to Hogwarts – the opportunity to finish what he started."

Jin chuckled humorlessly. "I can't believe I almost went through with the plan."

Her voice grew cold. "Don't make me question your loyalty for a second, Seokjin, or you will regret it." She grabbed his chin forcefully, her long nails digging into his skin and her green eyes boring into his. "I have obtained a bit of information on the Horcrux we seek. If you are truly on his side, I should think you trustworthy enough to hear it."

From the beginning, Jin hadn't quite understood what joining his ranks entailed. He had been young and stupid, wishing only for permanent recognition in the wizarding world, whether it came about through good or evil. All the same, he had spent his entire life following his ideals, believing his ideals. What was he without them?

"Tell me," he said, regretting the words as they left his mouth.

A confident smirk tugged at her lips. "I knew you would come around. As we have searched every nook and cranny of the castle, I have begun to suspect that the Horcrux is located on someone's person."

"Assuming Dumbledore knows about it."

"He and Grindelwald were good friends, were they not?" Her head tilted enigmatically. "Seokjin, if you had to pick one person who Dumbledore trusts above all else, who would it be?"

A name instantly jumped to the forefront of Jin's mind, but the manic gleam in Ivory's eyes made him question whether or not he should tell her. He sprang into action and smoothed down his robes as he stood up from the couch. "Leave it to me. I will have the Horcrux within the hour."

"Who is the person, then?" She was unrelenting, her hand levitating towards her hip where her wand resided. "Trust goes both ways, you know."

Jin used his charming smile to his advantage. "I never trusted you in the first place."

"An unwise decision – I am here to stay."

The door to the common room swung open again, and Yoongi Min ambled inside. His brows furrowed when he noticed Ivory's presence. "What are you doing here? Slytherins can't come into the Ravenclaw common room on their own."

"Apologies – Seokjin let me in." She transformed from an intimidating psycho to a shy, flustered girl in a split second, but the glint in her eyes spoke volumes. Silence reigned upon her exit, and tension filled the air as Yoongi collapsed onto the couch opposite Jin with a long sigh.

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