Author's Note (Please Read!)

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if you are reading this, thank you so much for sticking with this book all the way through! reading all of your comments always makes me smile and encourages me to write. finishing this book is one of my greatest achievements – it started as a self-insert fanfiction and developed into an actual story with complex characters and the most intricate plot i have ever created (at least, at the time i am writing this). i am so proud of it, and i hope that all of you lovely humans enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

i have at least a hundred WIPs right now lmao, but i have narrowed it down to a few that i would like to upload as soon as possible, and i would love some external input! i'm not very good at spontaneously writing summaries, but i will do my best. if you want to share an opinion, please comment on the book (or books) that you would most like to see published next:

A Dark Awakening: a BTS x Star Wars AU

It is a period of simulated order and justice in the wake of the Republic's fall. All have fallen subject to Imperial law. Rebels are far and few, and many find themselves satisfied with the newfound stability of the galaxy – but little do they know, an evil far greater than the Empire is lurking in the dark, and seven men from largely different backgrounds and affiliations must unite to save the galaxy from destruction.

i know the description sounds vague, but i really like the idea for this book. i wrote like seven chapters thinking i knew what i was doing, and then i spontaneously decided to change the whole thing, but i still know what the plot is going to be, and i have all of the characters mapped out. my favorite part of writing "A Dark Awakening" is creating a unique voice for each character, especially since they are all so different.

As Time Goes By: a science fiction novel starring Yoongi

"As Time Goes By" – in which Yoongi, a courageous rebel, dares to dream of a better life, and Ayala, his childhood love, is the very obstacle standing in his way.

i am going to be completely honest about this one – if it continues going the way i want, it is going to surpass "The Ravenclaw Nine" as my greatest accomplishment. it is the first science fiction novel i have written since i was nine, and believe me when i say that i have improved lmao. the characters are unique, the settings are incredibly described, and the plot really picks up from something rather basic to a social commentary on freedom, tyranny, imperialism, etc. this is my most sophisticated writing style yet, and i think that is part of what makes me love this book so much. i have a few chapters up, but i stopped writing it so that i could focus on "The Ravenclaw Nine". please read the first few chapters if you are interested, and let me know if you would like me to continue writing!

Song of the Black Swan: a BTS fantasy series

Rinse and repeat. That is the motto of Thana's miserable life until an opportunity to housesit a mansion in the middle of nowhere, a lucid dream, and a trek through the woods to a glowing pond turn her life upside-down, and she finds herself in an entirely new world.

Enter Isorropia, the world that both gives Thana control over her destiny and teaches her horrifying truths, namely that there is no such thing as fantasy; at least, not the happy fairytales in which we long to exist.

No. Walt Disney said it himself: "Fantasy and reality often overlap." Meaning, morality is always gray ("Concrescence"). Magic does not make you stronger, nor can a "Chosen One" always save the day ("Iridescence"). And the scariest villains are the ones we find within ourselves ("Luminescence").

i first got the idea for this book watching BTS' black swan stage on the late late show. at that point, all i knew was that the story would involve a magic pond (like on the stage) and a black swan. now, after three 26-page brainstorming sessions, a map that took me a week to create, weeks of tireless worldbuilding, and almost a month of thinking up plots instead of sleeping, i can finally say that my first fantasy world is developing. i have seven very rough chapters so far, and i am really happy with the way it is turning out (at least, in the exposition and rising action). i intend for this to be a trilogy, and i have the first two books almost completely mapped out. basically, it is a combination of "lord of the rings", "the chronicles of narnia", and my favorite elements from dark fantasy. i can't say when it will be ready for publishing, but if you are interested in reading this, you can rest assured that almost nothing will stop me from uploading this eventually (except, you know, writer's block).

i also have several other books in my bio on my profile page, so please let me know if you would be interested in reading those as well.

once again, i cannot thank you enough for reading this book and leaving beautiful comments along the way. maybe this is a writer thing, a human thing, or a personal idiosyncrasy, but i could write a whole book on validation alone. so, thank you for leaving even the smallest comments on each chapter. i hope i continue to write works that you enjoy!

oh, and please stay safe against the coronavirus! wash your hands regularly, and follow the CDC's guidelines as we get more information about the virus – above all, if you have time away from school or work, use this time to better your mental health. please do what you love, if you get the chance, and stay safe and healthy!

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