Chapter 16

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Jungkook's Point of View

The autumn day was crisp and clear – Jungkook could feel the breeze tousling his hair as he and Taehyung approached the middle of the Quidditch pitch. His hand gripped his broomstick – a trusty Cleansweep One. Generally, such an unadvanced model would be dominated by faster brooms, but Jungkook's skills more than made up for it.

The Quidditch team from last year had already gathered on the pitch, and some had begun an impromptu game for practice.

"Hello, Oliver," Jungkook greeted a blonde-haired third year, clapping his shoulder. "Are you trying out this year?"

Oliver nodded nervously. "I hope to be a Keeper. Do you think that is possible, Jungkook?"

Jungkook couldn't speak the truth to Oliver's hopeful countenance. "If you put in the time and effort, I'm certain you can accomplish it." Oliver grinned, seeming encouraged by the older boy's optimistic words.

"You do realize it is unlikely he will ever be appointed Keeper with that girl on the team." Taehyung tilted his head towards the team's star player – Aviela Bianchi. She had engaged in the jumble of broomsticks that zipped above their heads, her alert eyes continuously scanning the pitch for the Quaffle. When it appeared at an alarmingly fast rate, she whipped her broomstick around and smacked it into the arms of a Chaser. A shy smile grew on her face as the team shouted out praise.

"Alright, bring it in!" Madam Hooch hollered as she strode to the center of the pitch. Her hands settled in their usual intimidating position – on her hips – and her yellow eyes blazed with color, full of excitement for the season to come. Hogwarts students – both new to the team and old members – returned to the ground and gathered around their coach. "As I am sure you are all aware, three Ravenclaw students – one of which was your captain – have graduated from Hogwarts School." Jungkook occupied himself with adjusting his hair to disguise his excitement at the presented opportunity. "Along with determining positions on the team, these trials will decide your new captain. Who here is a seventh year?" Madam Hooch appeared surprised at the lack of older students on the team. "No one? All right, sixth years, please raise your hands... not a single sixth year? Fifth years, then." Three hands shot up, including Jungkook's. "Which of you are interested in being Quidditch captain this year?" Taehyung immediately lowered his hand, but the remaining fifth year was unfazed – Aviela's eyes were set with fiery determination as she kept her hand up.

Madam Hooch's lips twitched in amusement. "I sense that neither one of you will sacrifice your desired position, so let us settle this with one game. Divide into teams – mind that you two must be on opposite teams – and we will begin the trials. Returning members, please allow new players to try out your positions."

Jungkook realized his jaw had tensed up and attempted to relax it, but the muscles refused to cooperate. How dare she? Did she have any idea how long he had waited to be Quidditch captain?

"Jungkook," Taehyung said, tapping his shoulder. "Do you want to keep your position as a Chaser?"

"Yes," Jungkook snapped, resolved that no one would steal his position from him. He mounted his broomstick and soared into the air, basking in the feeling of wind rushing past his face and rippling his blue Quidditch robes. Below, he noticed his new girlfriend – ironically named Margaret – waving at him from the stands. He imagined his previous girlfriend Ivory was pouting in her house's common room – to be fair, their relationship had been doomed from the start, considering she was a Slytherin and he a Ravenclaw. Jungkook blew a kiss to Margaret and grinned as she squealed in delight and fluttered her hands, returning dozens of kisses.

Taehyung laughed and nudged Jungkook's broomstick with his. "What is her name again?"


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