Chapter 14

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Aviela's Point of View

The library had always been Aviela's beacon of comfort – she and Namjoon had inherited their parents' passion for books. Every year, she eagerly went to Diagon Alley with Namjoon for the opportunity to visit Flourish and Blotts Bookseller. Books were stuffed in every conceivable space, providing very little room to walk without knocking over a teetering stack. Shelves stretched up to the ceiling, lined with more books than one could count. Aviela took a deep breath, savoring the combined scent of newly pressed pages and ancient, yellowing parchments.

A good story allowed her to forget about her trials and lose herself in a bubble of fantasy. The current book that captured her attention was Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. She had read it as a textbook a few years prior, but it had intrigued her so profoundly that she wished to read it again for her own purposes.

She scurried up the wobbly rolling library ladder and scanned the books at the top of the shelf. The colorful spines announced famous titles in broad print, but she spared them no more than a glimpse, having already read most of them. Finally, she found a black book with gold designs trailing across the cover and pulled it from the shelf.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," she read aloud, her mouth struggling to contain a smile, "by Newt Scamander." Her fingers fumbled in excitement, and before she could register what had happened, the book slipped from her hands and soared to the ground. Initially worried about the preservation of the book, it was not until she heard a loud thunk followed by a frustrated groan of pain that she realized a hurtling book was a hazard to other people. She glanced down and was horrified to find a familiar boy rubbing his head and peering up at her with distaste.

"I think you dropped your book," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Oh, dear.

She knew that voice.

She knew that attractive face.

A high-pitched squeak emitted from her mouth. "I'm so sorry!" She scampered down the ladder and swept up her book, clutching it to her chest and continuing to apologize profusely. The boy tapped the swollen bump on his head gingerly and winced. Her apologies became more desperate as she saw the pain plaguing his eyes.

After a moment, he shook his head and stared at her with dark, soulful eyes that made her breath hiccup. "It's all right," he insisted, his voice stilling every conceivable word on her tongue. "I'm sure you didn't mean to drop a book on my head."

She nodded vigorously. "I didn't! Well, not that I didn't not mean it, but I only mean that I did not mean it. I don't mean to say that I did mean it, but what I am trying to say is–"

"Really, M – Margaret? That is your name, isn't it?"

"I-It's Aviela," she admitted softly, wondering how on earth he could have assumed her name was Margaret. It was almost humiliating how much she cared for him when he couldn't bother to remember her name.

"Right – Aviela. You could have done far worse than dropping a book on my head – and really, it didn't hurt too terribly."

"Are you sure?" The bump seemed less prominent with his reassurance.

"Absolutely." He smiled – a beautiful smile with childish elements that could be likened to that of a bunny – and pushed his hair back with his fingers. Her eyes transfixed on that small motion, and a blush settled onto her cheeks. "I have seen you around, haven't I?"

"We are both on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team," she admitted. And she was the girl who stared at him during class, but she desperately hoped he hadn't noticed.

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