Chapter 37 (Final Chapter)

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Taehyung's Point of View

The evening before the Hogwarts Express would bring them home, Taehyung crawled into bed and stared aimlessly at the bright moon shining beyond the window. From beside him, if he reached out just enough, he could see the torturous dreams racing through Jungkook's mind, and he knew that if he slept, he would face an even worse fate. To watch someone die was horrible in itself, but to feel them die – to feel all thought and emotion fade from their minds – was a whole new kind of torture. Nevertheless, his eyelids were drooping, and it wasn't long before he entered a world of nightmares.

At first, everything was black.

Then, exploding light evolved into colors, and two young men stood within a billowing meadow. One was slightly taller, with a cold glimmer in his eyes, and the other had twinkling blue eyes that Taehyung recognized instantly.

"Albus," the taller boy said, smiling, "I have something for you – something that will further solidify our friendship."

The blue-eyed boy laughed heartily at his friend's dramatics. "What could possibly solidify our friendship more than a blood pact, Gellert?"

"A Horcrux."

The word struck fear in Taehyung's chest, but neither of the young men seemed to be affected by it. Gellert continued to smile, while Albus' brows twisted in confusion. "Pray, tell me, what is a Horcrux?"

"An encasement of one's soul – in this case, mine." He extended his hand, palm up, and bared a simple helix earring. "I entrust my soul to you, Albus. You mean more to me than anyone."

Albus seemed rather shell-shocked as he accepted the gift and peered up at Gellert, slack-jawed. "How did you obtain this?"

"Do not worry yourself with the details, friend. This earring is a symbol of our great friendship, and whenever you carry it with you, remember how deeply we care for each other."

The scene melted into a new setting, this time a Muggle speakeasy in 1921. His mind zoomed in on an older Gellert Grindelwald as he approached a young Asian woman with curled black hair and a sparkly dress.

"Miss Lindh," he greeted her, running a cold fingertip down her arm.

She chuckled, revealing a charming smile. When she spoke, her voice was tainted with a heavy New York accent. "That'll be Mrs. Elsner in a few days' time."

"Not if I have a say in it." Desire was blatant in his eyes as he gently grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. "You'll never belong to him when you're mine, Mildred Lindh." Right as their lips met in a passionate, alcohol-fueled kiss, the setting shifted to small pieces of important events. In a church, a sweet-faced man became redder and redder with embarrassment as the minutes drew on and his fiancée never arrived at their wedding. She was already halfway across the world, swept up in a whirlwind romance with Gellert Grindelwald.

She walked through an elaborate apartment in Paris, a silk robe wrapped around her figure and a smile upon her face until she looked through that day's mail and found a letter from her family. Hands already shaking with anger, her eyes narrowed as she scanned the words written across the page.

"Dearest Mildred," her mother wrote, "it is with concern for your wellbeing that I write this letter to you. You must return and hold the wedding as planned. Your fiancé is beside himself with sadness, and the man you imagine to be your lover has demons in his path. You know I have always been intuitive to these sorts of things, and I can't help feeling an air of dark magic wherever he is present. If you do not come back, your father has sworn he will disown you. You have brought disgrace to the family name–"

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