Chapter 21: Of Course She Did.

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When we get done eating our dinner we walk into the living room and Cyril stops in the doorway. I stop in front of him when he turns so his back is leaning against it. I look at him and cock my head to the side. Wondering why he stopped. With an awkward chuckle, he points up. When I look up I see why he stopped. Hanging above our heads is mistletoe someone just added, it wasn't there when we got down here before dinner.

"Of course she did."

"Now you two have to kiss and I can get a photo!" Madison squeals.

I look at her, "You sly little-"

"Don't go there, plus mom wants photos for the scrapbook."

I roll my eyes and look back at Cyril, "I guess we have no choice."

He cups my face in his hands, "I guess not."

"You know, you could always dip to the side and she can't get a good picture."

He leans closer, "Or I could just kiss you like this."

He closes the space between us. I smile against his lips and when he pulls away he moves his thumb. Gently tracing my bottom lip before moving his hands away from my face. I turn to see Madison staring at us, eyes wide. Reyna pokes her shoulder while calling her name.

She shakes her head, "Who would have thought that in the month we have been here someone has managed to tear down that wall she spent a year building around her heart."

"It wasn't just one person Maddie," Reyna says.

She smiles, "Look at the cute photo of them!"

I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch, plopping down after grabbing the remote, "Take it down a note. Jake might find us sooner with you shouting."


"I know, I tried my best." I turn up the volume when the news comes back on.

They talk about my father's company donating to a local charity to help get toys for some kids and help a family out with Christmas. He comes on and talks about how I am sad that I couldn't be there to do it because of some business I had to take care of. As I watch it I smile a little when they show some of the kids.

"You still did that?"

"Yeah... Was the one thing I couldn't stop doing."

Madison sits down next to me, "What excuse did he use when they asked where I was?"

"Some important business trips... Trying to solve a problem with the businesses mom has, you know. Anything that would make sense to them at the time."

"How did he get away with them for so long?"

"Got someone to pretend to be you or had me going out as you."

She laughs, "I think I saw some of those ones."

After a while, we turn the T.V. off and get ready for bed. When I get out of the shower and finish getting ready for bed I climb under the covers and read a little. I end up falling asleep before Cyril gets back and before I have the chance to put my book on the nightstand. I hope I don't lose my spot. It is the last book here, I wouldn't mind rereading it but I would know what would happen so all the fun is gone. For the most part, it was easy to tell what would happen after reading the first few chapters.

I wake up just before my alarm goes off and make sure to turn it off so it doesn't wake Cyril up. I look at the nightstand and find my book there. After looking at the page the bookmark is on I find that Cyril had put it in the right place before putting the book there. That was sweet of him.

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