Chapter 30: Guess Who's Back (Back).

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I end up going home for the night. Falling asleep after getting ready for bed faster than I thought I would. When I wake up I end up running around and helping my parents figure out who the other moles are. Harder than we were thinking but not that hard with the information we were able to get. By the time dinner rolls around I go to the hospital after picking up my food.

When I walk into Cyril's room he smiles at me, "Look at that, you already grabbed your dinner."

I sit down and pull out the takeout container and chopsticks, "Yup... Too bad you get to eat the infirmary food."

As I eat my food he eats his, stopping once in a while to ask the same question, "Can I have a bite?"

"Nope. See what happens when you get hurt and don't tell anyone."

He pouts at me, "Please. Just one little bite."

"How about when you can go home."

He smiles, "Then tomorrow it is."

"Who said-"

"I said and so did Liam."

We talk about our day, laughing when I talk about the arguments between people about how someone couldn't be a mole even though there was proof that they were. I stop laughing and look at Cyril when he stares at me for a moment. I raise an eyebrow and he shakes his head. I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and lean on the armrest.

"Too bad I can't walk you to your door..."

I giggle, "We share the same place."

Cyril smiles softly at me, "I know, it would be to your bedroom door."

I look at the time, "I better go back so you can sleep..." I stand up and grab everything I brought, "See you tomorrow."

Before I can leave he grabs my hand, "Hayden..."

I look at him, he just pulls me closer to him. We are only inches apart and I don't care at the moment. I look into his hazel eyes and give him a small smile. He moves a hand to my face and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. I glance at his lips for a moment.


He stops and smiles at me, "I love you."

I smile back, "I love you too."

I give him a kiss on the lips before getting up and walking out. When I get back to my place I sigh as I shut the door behind me. Doing what I always do when I get back, I get in the shower and get ready for bed. When I climb into my bed I close my eyes. Just as I am about to fall asleep my phone goes off.

I open my eyes and stare at my ceiling, "You have got to be kidding me," I roll over and grab it, answering the call. "This better be important, Jem."

"Hayden. We need you to get down here now."

I sit up and rub my eyes, "What is it now?"

It is silent for a moment and I get up, throwing on something other than a tank top and short shorts. It is either getting more dressed or going down in my pajamas. I don't plan on ever doing that so we will take the extra time to throw something else on. Even if it is putting something loose over what I normally wear to bed.

"You will see when you get here."

I put my shoes on and walk out of the door, "Better be important."

"Oh trust me... It is."

He hangs up and I walk to his place. When he doesn't answer his door I frown, he probably meant the meeting room. I walk over there. When I get in the looks on everyone's face tells me something is up. I sigh as I walk over to the coffee machine and pour myself some before sitting down in a chair next to my mom.

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