Chapter 2: The Tour Boy

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I had been told to go to Student Offices as soon as I had reached the school so that's what I did. I walked to the reception just before I came to the double doors I came across a door that read 'Student Offices' well that was easier than I thought. I knocked on the door and a voice from the other side shouted me in ''Come in!'' I pulled the handle down and entered the small but normally sized office with chairs surrounding the desk. I noticed a boy sat down on one of the chairshe had dark blonde hair in a quiff, he was wearing black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt and black vans. My hands were became sweaty as I was nervous to talk but I was saved as a teacher was walking in through the door that conncted Student Services to Student Offices. ''Well hello you must be the Ashleigh our new student nice to meet you I am the Student Co-ordinator Mrs Bridge!'' She happily greeted me I shook her hand and she gestured me to sit down next to the boy. ''Right then here is you planner and timetable I am asumming you have equipment?'' She asked me I nodded and took the things keeping them in my hand thinking they would come in handy. ''Right then seen as it is your first day 1st period will be taking up by a tour around the school by your very own personal tour guide Mr Luke Hemmings!'' She said whilst glancing over at the boy I know now as Luke. ''Hey' He smiled, ''Hey' I nervously replied returning the smile also noticing that he had a lip piericng which I have to say was cute... ''Right then I shall leave you two young ones to it and at the end of the tour when the bell goes you will both go to 2nd period'' She said, we both nodded heading out the door.

''So you 16 then?'' Asked Luke making coversation. ''Yea I have feeling you are too?'' I quiely asked lightening the mood laughing, ''Yep.'' He replied joining me laughing. ''Right then so this is the English Unit it is also the most buisiest unit so it's better if you are our age because the little kids don't get in your way .'' He informed me I laughed, ''Well at least there are privelages!'' He laughed at me as I said it I pulled out my timetable out slightly remembering I have English next... I guess I was right I had English in EU5 which we are stood right in front of. ''Oh I have English here nect.'' I informed him pointing to the door we were stood next to. ''Oh so do I...''' he informed me I smiled, I guess I was happy to have someone I knew in my class and he seemed nice...

A/N 2nd chapter up happy?? So Luke is a tour guide. Anyway hoped you like!!

Peace, Au revour, Goodbye

Bambino14 xx

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