Chapter 4: Meet the boys and The Girl

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Break had finally come around and as soon as the bell went a big grin spread across my face Luke saw me from the other side of the classroom and laughed to himself biting his lip ring, unfortunetly the teacher is an idiot and wouldn't let me and Luke sit next to each other because he said we seemed 'too hyper'?. ''Right then class put your books on the front table and you may leave see you tomorrow!'' Shouted Mr Clarkson. Luke walked up to me as I was waiting near the door before walking out. ''Ready to go meet them then?'' Luke asked opening the door such a gentleman, ''Yep ready as I'll ever be!'' I laughed and we walked down the stairs to the main corridor which was on the bottom floor. I was scanning the corridor trying to see who could possibly be his friends, we passed many groups but they just didn't look like Luke's sort of people. As we were nearly at the end of the corridor near the music unit Luke smiled and jogged over to 3 boys and 1 girl who were laughing about something I guess that's them then... I finally reached them and they all looked at me then at Luke, I felt worried what if they wouldn't except me and I got in there way then me and Luke would fall out. All these thought were going through my head as they were looking at me with confused faces. ''Right then guys this Ashleigh, Ashleigh this is Calum, Ashton, Michael and Brooke!'' He informed me whilst pointing at each of them, they all smiled and waved. Calum was a tall boy with black wavy hair swept to one side with a sort of quiff he was looking at me smiling he seemed alright... Ashton was the slightly tall boy with brown curly hair swept to one side with a bandana keeping it out of his face, Michael was also tall with blonde and black hair stood up on his head he seemed quite close to Brooke, Brooke was a small girl with brown hair with ombré tips and make-up done to perfection she was really pretty! '

'It's nice to meet you Ashleigh I see you and Luke are already friends and just so you know Mikey and Brooke are together if your wondering why there are so close.'' Calum told me whispering the last part I let out a small giggle before I was engulfed into a massive hug from all four boys and I could hear Brooke laughing in the background. ''What was that for?'' I laughed after they pulled away, ''Well any friend of Luke's is a friend of ours so we were giving you a welcome hug!'' Ashton informed me I laughed and nodded looking over at Brooke who was making her way over to me she gave me a hug and said ''I think we will be great friends Asleigh!'' As we pulled apart I smiled I had only known these people for like 15 minutes and it felt like I had known them my whole life I am going to love this school!...

A/N WOAH! Double update sorry felt like I had to just love this story!!! Anyway luv ya guys and remember to vote if you love this story as much as I do and comment if you have any questions or thoughts on this storys and if you have any ideas for me!!

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye

Bambino14 xx

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