Chapter 18: I need to tell you something....

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It was after school and me and Calum hadn't spoken all day we had only smiled and obviously the odd sentence but usally when we didn't go out we would never shut up talking. I had been talking to Luke all day but that was normal. I was looking forward to tonight when it would just be me and Luke. I decided to tell Calum where I was going today when we were going back to Luke's place seen as they were practising, we hadn't told Brooke we were going obiviously but we had told her we were going to Luke's but we said that we were sorting out birthday presents so that made sure she wouldn't turn up unexpected. Ash was giving us all a lift to Luke's and he was dropping Brooke off on the way home when we reached Brooke's house Michael and Brooke must of kissed about a thousand times he would be seeing her tomorrow god! ''Bye babe see ya tomorrow!'' Michael shouted as she got out she gave a little wave and we set off again towards Luke's house. Half way there I felt Calum's arm wrap around my shoulder for some reason it didn't feel right it was like he shouldn't have been doing that but then again I let him he is my boyfriend. At Luke's house we went into the basement the boys were setting up the instruments and me and Calum had been picked to go get some snacks we both accepted and went upstairs knowing the way to the kitchen, Luke's Mum and Dad weren't home due to work good thing really or otherwise they might complain about the noise!

When we were in the kitchen I remembered I had to tell Calum about me and and Luke going out this evening. ''Hey Calum ermmm I just thought I would tell you me and Luke are going to the cinemas and then McDonalds tonight I just thought I would tell you so you knew where I was.'' I informed him his face went from a normal smile to a dissapointed look. ''What's wrong?'' I worridely asked.

''Oh nothing just the fact that we haven't spoken all day, your going to spend the night with Luke and today when I put my arm around you I felt you squirm don't you like me anymore?'' He angrily asked I felt tears forming in my eyes, of course I liked him but I think we are both thinking the exact same thing we worked better and were closer when we were just friends... ''Calum..I...I don't know what you mean. Its just that well of course I like you but I think we were closer when we were just friends I..I am sorry but I think we should just break up.'' I sobbed tears now freely flowing down my cheeks his face looked calmer and he walked over to me and sat me down on his lap. ''Yea and so do I. Ashleigh I think you are amazing but I think that we were closer as friends so if you want to break up I think that both of us will not be affected by it and we will still be friends right?'' He said wiping away my tears with his thumb I nodded and he kissed me one last time before we stood up and hugged, we grabbed the snacks and made are way down to the basement ready to tell the guys the news.

As we walked down the stairs to the basement the guys were playing Xbox and Luke was watching giving constructive criticism to Michael. ''Errmm guys we have something to tell you!'' Annouced Calum they all dropped what they were doing and looked up at us Luke turned around since his face was turned the other way. ''Well me and Calum have broken up.'' I sighed looking at Luke as he mouthed 'sorry' I smiled at him and Ashton jumped up. ''Why what happened are you still friends?'' Ashton asked worridely, let Calum answer that one. ''Well we figured out that we were closer as friends and yea don't worry we are still friends.'' Calum laughed giving me a side hug, I laughed and they all understood I made my way over to Luke who was still sat on the carpet. ''Hey.'' He said motioning for me to sit oppisote him so I could face him. ''Hey''

''So err you ok about the whole break up thing I mean it must be hard?'' He questioned me looking down at the floor. ''Yea it is hard I mean we had a good realtionship but I mean we both worked better as friends.''

''Well Ashleigh you know if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I will always be there no matter what.'' He told me taking both my hands in his, I smiled like really smiled. ''Thank you Luke you mean a lot to me you know you let me be your friend you looked after me and no matter what you are always there...'' He smiled back and then we both looked away. ''So you want me to give you a lift home so you get changed for out night out?'' He laughed, I nodded and he stood up offering his hand out to me to help me up I gladly took it and stood up we walked towards the rest of the boys who were just stood there talking they saw us and Ashton opened his arms signalling he wanted a hug, I giggled and walked foward he gave me a huge hug and a small kiss on the forehead. Michael also gave me a hug. When I pulled apart from Michael, Luke and Calum were hugging and it looks like Cake are back to normal!! I feel as it everything is back to normal me and Luke are best friends again, everybody his hanging out together, Luke and Calum are like brothers again and me and Calum are back to being just friends. When Luke and Calum pulled away Calum held out his arms for us to hug I gladly accpeted and we hugged and this time it felt right we were back to being friends and that's the way we needed it to be and I liked it that way. ''Right then let's take you to your house so you can get changed and then I will come back and to your house after we have had practise at about 6:00?'' Luke suggested, I nodded, ''Though I am paying for everything this is my idea and my way of saying sorry because I haven't been speaking to you lately.'' I said poking him in the cheek he laughed and nodded guiding me out of the door.

A/N: I know, I know I havent't updated for ages but I have been like doing school work and stuff and never had time so sorry people. And can we just take a second to congratulate Luke on passing his drivers test and he is now a driver along with Ashton!! And Michael's birthday next week! So I'm gonna go now so see ya guys x Vote, Comments Share and all that jazz!

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye!

Bambino14 xx

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