Chapter 12: Finding Calum

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Nobody could knew where Calum was, he never showed up for lesson and we were getting more and more worried so I decided to go look for him. I thought to myself where is the one place he could be?... The Wood! I ran up the now familiar hill through the usall flowers and trees until I got to the The Wood I could hear slight rustiling of leaves and when I turned the corner I saw Calum, he was on the swing kicking the leaves with his foot everytime he hit the ground. ''Calum whats worng everybody is worried about you?!'' I worridely shouted running over to him he looked up his eyes looked everywhere put mine. ''Calum?...'' I whispered he pulled my hand and sat me on the bench getting up hiself so we were sat down facing each other ''Whats wrong why did you miss 1st and 2nd period and nobody has seen you all break?'' I asked him calmly seeing as he wasn't hiself at the moment and seemed pretty upset about something. ''I...I can't tell you not without the boys and Brooke but she isn't here so I will tell her some other time.'' He told me, I grabbed his hand to comfort him, ''Do you want me to get them?'' I asked reaching my phone out of my pocket. He gave me a little nod looking at me I pressed on Luke's name sending him a text knowing he would be with Michael and Ashton.

To Luke <3

Hiya found Calum we need you, Ash and Mikey hurry!!! xx

From Luke <3

Right k u in The Wood? xx

To Luke <3

Ya xx

Not long after all three of them appeared and ran to the bench where Calum was sat with his head down playing with my fingers. ''Whats wrong? What's happened?'' Luke asked worried walking around to the otherside of the bench to sit next to Calum and wrapping his arm around his shoulder. ''Guys I have something to tell you and it is not going to be easy, I was going to tell you this morning but with everything that happened to Ashleigh, I couldn't and then I was to upset to face you guys.'' He said looking up creating eye contact with everyone. ''I...I'm moving!'' He blurted out a tear falling down his cheek Luke wiped it away and they hugged, everyone fell silent. ''What?...'' Was all we managed to get out. ''My parents told me last night and I wasn't very happy about it but this morning I had to come to school and forget about everything about it and then when everyone was looking after Ashleigh this morning it made me upset and it just made me sad that I would miss the great friendship we all have!''

''Is there anything we can do to stop this I mean what about 5 Seconds Of Summer we can't be a band without the bassist?!'' Mikey asked.

''I don't know what to do I mean I am 16 nearly 17 I said I can stay home by myself but they were having none of it they said we have to leave on Saturday to defintely get the job transfer!'' He said and that is when Ashton shot up with a big smile on his face we all jumped to the sudden giddiness of Ashton, ''Woah thanks for the sympathy bro!'' Calum said, Ashton shook his head, ''No I wasn't happy of course not Calum but I was thinking if you really wanted to stay in Sydney with us then maybe you could move in with me?...'' Ashton said we all looked at him and then Calum shot up from Luke's arms, ''What really you think I could?'' He asked really excited that the fact he might have a chance to stay, ''Yea I'll ask my mom but she loves you so probably yea and we have a guest room so I think that option could be possible but what about your parents?'' Ashton said happily obviously really wanting his best mate to be able to live with him, ''Well I will defintely ask them as soon as I get home I don't know how they could say no!'' Calum lets just hope they don't...

A/N: Sad chapter I know don't hate me! But Ashton or Smash to the rescue hehe! So what do you think do you think Calum will be able to stay or do you think he will have to move away?? So I decided to update the day after because I felt you guys had the right to know what was happening with Calum because I am nice like that;) Remember to vote if you like the story and comment your thoughts and ideas and also this time I would like you to comment on what you think is going to happen with Calum next.

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye

Bambino14 xx

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