Chapter 5: Confused Faces

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''Hey Asleigh I was wondering if maybe you would like to come to mine tonight me and the boys would like to show you something?''

Asked Luke on the way out of school. At lunch time we all hung out and it was amazing I feel so close to these guys and Brooke is like the girlier version of me we have so much in common! ''Yea that would be great what time and where do you live?'' I asked smiling I was so looking forward to it! ''Ermm... about 6:00ish and I will pick you up from your house I don't want you walking and just so you know Brooke won't be there because she has to study for this test she has so it will juts be me you and the boys.'' He infromed me and I nodded reaching the car park of the school, ''Hey let me give you a lift home so I know where you live.'' He said I nodded and followed him to his car (A/N yes I know Luke can't drive in real life so lets just pretend he is 16 with a driving licence) I got in and and Luke started it up and carefully drove out of the school grounds. ''Tell me the directions.'' He said smilung over at me I nodded and watched infront of me so I knew where we were going. Shortly after we pulled up outside my not yet familarised house I could tell my parents were in because there cars were in the driveway. ''This is it!'' I said he nodded and pulled his arms out to give me a hug I happily accepted and hugged him back, ''I'll pick you up at 5:50 then?'' He asked well sort of told me I nodded and smiled before stepping out of the car, I gave a small wave before he drove off I felt so happy I had friends on the first day and they were amazing! I entered my house and my mum was stood at the door like she was waiting for me to do a grand entrance... ''So who is the guy in the car then?'' She ased, I blushed and plonked my bag down on the steps. ''LUKE is just a friend mum and as a matter of fact tonight h is picking me up and we are going to his house where they will be my other friends he want to show me something.'' I told her emphasing on Luke's name seen as he wasn't just a guy he was Luke Hemmings. ''Well well then who are these other friends?'' She asked curiously I rolled my eyes taking my red flannel shirt off and plonking it down next to me on the sofa, ''Well they are called Ashton, Calum, Michael and Brooke.'' I said proud to say they were my friends. ''Oh so is it going to be four boys and two girls tonight then?'' She asked I shook my head, ''No just me and the boys Brooke is studying.'' I said she nodded her head understanding and left the room. I sighed and leaned back on the sofa. I missed England and my friends but I also loved the new friends I had made!

It was finallly time to get dressed before Luke was coming to pick me up I wasn't getting changed into anything fancy we were only going to his house so I just freshened up and redid my hair then washed my face and redid my make-up which was just foundation and mascara. I picked up my iPhone which was on my bedside table playing Blink 182 'I miss you' playing away. I turned it off and slipped it in my pocket walking down the stairs to slip on my black vans which I had also realised Luke had on. I heard a car pull up outside so I looked out of the living room windown and sure enough it was Luke right on time. My mum came running to the window trying to catch a look at him. ''Oohhhh can I meet him?'' She asked excitedly I looked at her as if to say 'really you just asked that?' ''What no Mum that would be completely embarssing and then he would find me weird and not want to hang out with me anymore!'' I clearly stated making sure she understood I certainly didn't want her meeting him. ''So that's a no then?'' I shook my head at her and walked out of the door I gave her a hug and stepped out of the house closing the door behind me. It was defintely colder than eariler and I felt the wind hit me like a wall. I shivered as I walked to the car, I got in and I was greeted with a hug from Luke and the warm air that filled his car. ''So I am guessing your mum had some questions as to why you were getting a lift home from a boy?'' He laughed I laughed with him and sighed, ''Don't even ask she was like 'Can I meet him' and 'who is he''' He laughed and set off. The drive there was just basically me and Luke singing along to songs on the radio and laughing at random things we passed. ''Here we are the home of Luke!'' He said as we stepped out of the car and walked down the gravel path. ''When we go in Ash, Mikey and Cal will already be there so we have to go down to the basement.'' Luke informed me I nodded understanding we got to the front door and he opened it letting me in first like the gentleman he is... ''You have to lead the way now seen as it is your house and I have no idea where I am going!'' I laughed he nodded and again took my hand, I have gotten use to him doing this whenever he needs to show me something or lead the way he will just grab my hand and drag me. We got to the basement and everyone was in there not just the boys there were guitairs, a drum set and 3 microphones set up next to one another and a microphone attached to the drum set. I was so confused what was this all about I was just waiting to hear...

A/N Well there we go another Chapter is up and I think you all know what is in the basement and what the boys are up 2 don't you?? Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and remember to vote if you love the story and comment if you have any questions or ideas luv u guys.

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye

Bambino14 xx

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