Chapter 13: I want to stay

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Calum's POV

I went home nervous about asking if I could stay in Sydney with Ash. As I entered the front door I coud hear banging and slamming on the floor and glass being placed in the boxes this was the sound of unwanted packing... I nervously strolled into the kitchen glancing around at the cupboards that were being emptied and that were only filled with 3 days worth of food supplies. Mum was on the floor tidying out the bottom cupboard whereas Dad was stood on the the kitchen counter pulling down a picture of a flower which was screwed onto the wall. ''Hey Mum, Dad may I talk to you it's important?'' I asked the words finally escaping my mouth they both stopped what they were doing and looked round at me, Mum standing up and Dad hopping down off the counter. ''Yes son what is the matter?'' Asked Dad leaning against the island. I rubbed my nervous sweaty hands on my black skinny jeans and shoved them into my pockets to try and hide the fact they were shacking with nervousness. ''Well errm...the thing is this moving for your job transfer for better money, well you see I honestly really don't want to move I mean, I have my friends and the band I mean we have a gig next week and if that goes well then who knows where it will lead us? I want to be a musician and I want that to start by making it my career and getting 5 Seconds of Summer famous but I can't if we are moving to New York I love my friends and I can't leave them.... So I have something to ask you if it is possible may I stay in Sydney with Ash at his house?'' I asked letting out a big sigh at the end feeling realived I had finally got it off my chest, both my parents looked at each other I could not make out the emotion on their faces though I knew they were probably thinking my idea was dumb, though my thoughts were interupted by a message from Ash:

From Ash:)

Just thought I would let you know my mum is happy for you to stay we just need the ok from you parents good luck!!

To Ash:)

K thanks mate I have asked them now waiting for an answer I really hope I can stay gotta go speak 2 u soon:)

I slipped my phone into the think pocket and looked up to find my parents looking at me. ''Calum may you give us time to think this through it is such a hard descion to make give us about an hour and we will come to a final descion.'' They finally said, I nodded heading for the living room door planning on heading to my room. I plonked myself on the bed taking a look around at my Blink 182, All Time Low and Green Day posters all reminding me of the first time a met the boys... There was a knock at the door and I suspected it was for my parents but I guess it wasn't. ''Calum it's for you!'' My Mum shouted from downstairs I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs stopping when getting to the bottom step I looked up and noticed Luke, Ashleigh, Mikey, Brooke and Ashton all stood there smiling well I guess Brooke knows the news now. ''We figured you might need some company.'' Smiled Ashton, I smiled gesturing them to follow me to my room, they all plonked themselves on the floor and my bed. ''I told Brooke the new.'' Mikey whispered in my ear and I nodded and Brooke came and gave me a hug, ''Don't worry I am sure everything will turn out ok.'' She told me, I thanked her and she sat next to Mikey on the bed. ''Well heard any news yet?'' Luke whispered so my parents didn't hear but loud enough for us lot to hear, I shook my head and sighed reasting my chin in my hand. ''Don't be sad Calum I am sure they will come to some sort of agreement I mean we can all look after you and they will be Ashton's Mum and I am sure Mali will come and visit you from Uni and you are responsible, well sometimes.'' Laughed Ashleigh leaning her head on my shoulder, I leant my head on top of hers and sighed, ''I just hope they say yes...''

Ashleigh's POV

We were at Calum's still waiting for an answer when all of a sudden Calum was shouted downstairs and we all tagged along. As soon as we were in the living room his parents stood up and gave a reasuring smile to each other, I grabbed Calum's hand and he squezzed it, Luke grabbed mine and Ashton grabbed Calum's from the otherside so basically we were all stood there holding hands waitng for the news. ''Right then Calum we have a long hard think about this and we have decided that because it means so much to you... You can stay in Sydney with Ashton!'' We all cheered and Calum picked me up spinning me around I laughed then he gave Luke a side hug when he put me down. ''Thank you so much I love you!'' Calum said whilst hugging his parents they smiled happy at the scene in front of them it looked like we had all just won the X Factor!!

A/N: Another chapter whoop whoop! So hmmm more of Ashleigh and Calum going on in this chapter.... Remember to vote if you like the story and comment your thoughts and ideas:) And yay Muke pic:) <3

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye!

Bambino14 xx


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