Chapter 11: Danielle

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After yesterday me and Luke are back to our old selfs, he had gotten the bus this morning seen as his car had broken. I met him at the bus stop and Brooke wasn't there as she must've been ill or something? ''Morning babe!'' Luke greeted me as I entered the bus shelter there was only me and him there well it was 7:45 on a morning... ''Morning Luke!'' I greeted him back as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in we hugged and then pulled apart. ''So are you ok now?'' He asked me I nodded and smiled, ''Yeah are you?'' I replied with a question.

''Yea well better now because I know you are ok with me.'' He said I blushed and and sat down on the cold metal bench waiting for the bus to come he sat down next to me and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers...

We arrived at school and me and Luke still our hands linked together and when we walked to  the gates I got several winks from Michael, Calum and Ashton. ''I am just going to nip to the toilet I need to redo my bandana.'' I told Luke once we had gotten into school. ''Why you look perfect anyway!'' He said I laughed and let go of his hand walking to the toilet I am gald Danielle had come in the way of our friendship. I entered the toilet and pulled my bandana off walking towards the mirror I was about to tie it around my head when I heard the door shut I looked around and Danielle was stood there staring at me I looked away but she still looked at me. ''Errm...Can I help you?'' I nervously asked,

''No you can't help me but you can do something for me...'' She said I was getting more nervous as she was getting closer. ''Stay away from Luke he is mine!'' She said with an angry tone in her voice, ''No way me and Luke are best friends you can't intimadate me he will know there is something wrong when I don't go near him!'' I clearly stated,

''You shouldn't have spoken to me like that!'' She said and then I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek...she slapped me, I fell to the floor clutching my burning red cheek as she ran out of the toilets leaving me there tears were streaming down my face creating a small puddle beneath my body. I needed Luke but I couldn't get up, I clutched the sink pulling myself up grabbing my bandana and my bag running out of the toilet heading for Luke he saw me and came running towards me Calum following behing. ''ASHLEIGH WHAT HAPPENED?!'' Luke shouted looking at my red cheek stroking it softly, ''It was Danielle she threatened me to stay away from you but I said no so she slapped me hard around the face!'' I sobbed he pulled me in for a hug, I sobbed into his chest leaving visible tear stains on his shirt, ''Shhhhh, shhh it's ok, it's ok lets go to the princibal I am sure he will sort this out come on babe.'' He calmly said I nodded and he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers whilst Calum out his arm around my shoulder and the other tagged behind. I wiped my tears away and me and Luke entered the office. ''Miss Parker what seems to be the problem?'' Asked Mr Wilson our princibal I was about to speak when Luke stepped in. ''The problem is that one of your students is mental and decided to slap my best friend!'' He shouted informing him Mr Wilson had no idea what to say, ''Mr Hemmings thank you for your concern but I would like to hear from Miss Parker what happened though you may stay if she wishes.'' He said finally knowing what to stay, Luke turned around to leave but I grabbed his hand signalling him I wanted him to stay he nodded and smiled and we sat down on the black chairs feeling like we were being questioned. ''I...I was in the toilet when I was a-aproached by Danielle Petersons she was threating me to stay away from Luke but when I refused she slapped me hard across my face and ran out of the toilet leaving me on the bathroom floor.'' I truthly said clutching my cheek the stining sensation ringing through my body, Luke was playing with my fingers, ''Right then Ashleigh, Danielle Petersons only started our school yesterday so how as she got such a relationship with Luke?'' He asked me I looked at Luke and Luke nodded gesturing for me to answer, ''Well he was the one who gave her the tour but he kept her company all day and then you see me and Luke are best friends and he hadn't spoken to me all day and I guess everything got to me so I walked out of the cafeteria at lunch to go outside and Luke followed but Danielle was being all clingy and Luke told her he didn't like it and went after me and she didn't like that so now she wants me to go away.'' I told him he nodded writing everything down as I spoke. ''Right then thank you Miss Parker we will be speaking to Danielle later on today but unfortunetly at this time we know that she will deny such accusations as we understand you are telling us the truth but unfortunetly seen as there were no witnesses we will have to decide what is going to happen.'' Told Mr Wilson I totally disagreed with that obviously she was going to deny it but all the other boys saw me run out of the toilet crying. ''Mr Wilson Ashleigh is telling the truth how else would she have a big red mark on her cheek she only went in the bathroom to do her hair she wasn't expecting a slap!'' Luke clearly stated getting angry with the fact that he could even think I wasn't telling the truth! ''Right thank you for your opinon Luke, Ashleigh you may leave now I will be speaking to Danielle and will be getting back to you before the school day ends goodbye!'' He said me and Luke got off the chairs our hands still linked together he opened the door and I walked out to the others where they were waiting and I ran to Calum who was staring at the floor when he saw me coming he held out his arms and wrapped them round me, ''Are you ok is she getting punished she better be or otherwise-''

''Calum that is way too many questions and well I don't know any of them all I know is that Mr Wilson doesn't know what to think about the situation because he said he knows she is going to deny it and seen as there are no witnesses they cannot prove anything.'' I told him whilst Luke wrapped his arm around my waist. ''WHAT! She better own up to it because otherwise I will put in a compaint about him and his stupid sytems!'' Calum shouted. I smiled at him sticking up for me, the bell went and I turned around hugging the guys, my first lesson was P.E i didn't mind though because we had trampoling and I was fine with that as in my lessons I don't have with boys or Brooke I tend to keep myself to myself and just get on with it.

P.E was awesome they forgot to get the trampolines out so we played Dodgeball against the other Year 11 class and Danielle was in that class so when she was chatting to one of the girls, Jennifer, I threw the ball and it wacked her in the face though she put her hand up to defend herself but she ended up breaking a nail. ''Owwww I broke a nail!'' She whined stomping her foot and walking to go sit out I laughed to myself that was more enjoyable than I though! It was second period and I had Bio with the boys and unfortunetly Danielle... Luke had waited outside the P.E doors for me and we walked up together just talking and me telling him about the story with Danielle and breaking her nail and then him bursting out laughing. We walked in the Science Lab and only Ash and Mikey were there I wonder where Calum is? I walked to our table which was right at the back of the classroom and I plonked myself down sitting between Luke and Ash. ''Where's Calum?'' I whispered to Ashton. ''I don't know.'' He replied with a worried tone in his voice my heart dropped where is he?

A/N: Poor Ashleigh but she defintely got revenge with the dogeball incident. So I kinda left this on a cliffhanger due to the next chapter they will be stuff going on with Calum so.... Also you will be seeing more and more of Calum and Ashleigh getting closer.... So rememeber to vote if you like the story and commment your thoughts and ideas as I love reading your sweet comments:)

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye!

Bambino14 xx

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