Chapter 15: Emotions

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We were walking back home from going shopping and we hadn't been informed by Calum that he was back at the house so we all figured he must be still saying bye to his parents. Once I got back to Ashton's I ran to the toilet since I had been waiting for a pee since Calum had left and I couldn't find any when we were in the stores. I went to the toilet and as I was done washing my hands and coming out of the bathroom I heard light sniffling outside Calum's door I opened the door slightly and sure enough Calum was sat on his bed tears falling down his cheeks, I gasped running towards him, ''Calum...'' I whispered he looked up at me, ''What's the matter?'' I asked wiping away his tears with my thumb.

''Nothing I just...I am going to miss my parents so much.'' He sobbed, I sighed and moved closer to him, ''But you have me, Luke, Mikey and Ash so you'll be ok.'' I comforted him he smiled and picked me up so I was sat on his knee, ''Your amazing do you know that Ashleigh?'' I laughed and shrugged, ''Kinda guessed.'' He laughed at me and I snuggled into his neck and we just sat there. ''Can I ask you something?'' Calum asked me I looked up and nodded gesturing for him to carry on and ask me, ''Well I was wondering if maybe you would like to come to Nando's with me on Monday after school I mean you don't have to I was just wondering...'' He nervously asked me blushing slightly I giggled because he auctally thought I was going to say no! ''Of course I'll go there with you Calum!'' I said he looked up at me with is big brown eyes and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, I blushed and he giggled at me poking my cheek I giggled and stood up holding my hand out for him to take he did so we walked down the stairs hand in hand but let go when we reached the bottom. ''CALUM!'' Luke shouted bolting over to to Calum hugging him. ''Where have you been? When did you get back? Ashleigh how come your with him?'' He babbled on asking too many questions for anybody to answer. ''Gosh Luke slow down well the thing is when I went to the toilet I could hear someone in Calum's room so I went in and he was sat on his bed he wasn't very happy you know because his parents have moved so I comforted him and he is alright now.'' I informed the boys they all nodded and we did a huge group hug and then Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the group to the kitchen, I followed standing against the counter still holding his hand. ''It was a great thing you did there helping him.'' Luke said looking at me with those blue eyes that would make anyone melt.

''Thanks I mean I just coudn't see him there like that.'' I said flashing back to seeing Calum sat there crying his eyes out I mean it did really break my heart to see him like that.''Oh yea and one more thing me and him are going to Nando's after school on Monday he wanted to take me somewhere I guess to say thank you.'' I told him his smile kind of faded but came back moments later. ''Oh right that's nice.'' He said letting go of my hand and walking into the living room I was confused was he alright with me? Why did he just walk off? I followed and plonked myself on the sofa inbertween Luke and Mikey. I rested my head on Luke's shoulder and he started playing with my hair whilst humming 'Heartbreak Girl'.

A/N: Another chapter and finally Calum had asked Ashleigh out! Though I wonder why Luke was humming 'Heartbreak Girl'????? So sorry this chapter is so short but the next one will be a much longer chapter I promise:) Please vote, share and comment I always love reading your thoughts and ideas:)

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye!

Bambino14 xx

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