Chapter 9: Skype

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I had finally arrived home and Luke had come with me, we were walking in the door and I hadn't realised that my Mum was home well she finally gets her wish to meet Luke then... ''Oh hi Ashleigh and...'' My Mum said I had forgotten that she has never seen Luke so obviously she had no idea who he was. ''Oh Mum this is Luke.'' I informed her she smiled and held her hand out shaking Luke's hand, ''Well it's very nice to meet you Luke!'' She happily replied, ''It's nice to meet you too Mrs Parker.'' He replied I smiled at him being so polite. ''Please call me Sarah.'' My Mum insited wow they are already on the whole first name thing good impression Luke! ''Well Mum me and Luke are gonna go upstairs to study.'' I said me and Luke kinda had to study for this Science Test we had but knowing us we would just end up talking. My Mum nodded understanding and we both walked upstairs Luke following behind because obviously he had no idea where he was going. ''So this is my room.'' I said walking in he smiled and plonked his black vans bag on my floor and then plonked himself on my bed I joined him sitting next to him. I pulled some books out of my bag which was next to me and placed them on my knee.

Luke's POV

I was in her room and everything was so her she had Blink 182 and All Time Low posters all over her walls I hope one day we might be on one of them walls... I was just examining her room when I came acroos a picture it was Ashleigh she looked...beautiful she was with a girl and a boy smiling happily I guess that must be her friends back home?

Ashleigh's POV

I noticed Luke looking at the picture of me Mai and Joey at Mai's 16th birthday just before I left that picture brings tears to my eyes because that was the night I told them I was leaving there was a lot of tears but also I lot of laughing about the memories I missed them so much. ''That's me, Mai and Joey.''  I told him he turned to face me and smiled at me clearly seeing the said expression on my face, ''Is that the friends who you don't think want to talk to you?'' He asked looking at me waiting for an answer, a small tear fell down my cheek he wiped it away with his thumb and took both my hands in his I looked down and smiled he really was amazing, ''Yea I mean they haven't spoken to me since I left I told them I had arrived but they never replied...'' I said getting more and more upset by the minute. ''Hey, hey don't cry I am sure they just never had the time you know with the different timezones and everything we are 9 hours ahead of England you know.'' He laughed and I laughed along, ''Wow aren't you just the smart one then?'' I jokingly said pushing him slightly. ''Well no the world clock on my phone is the smart one!'' We both laughed and I loved him for making me laugh and cheering me up I guess he was a true friend. ''I have a idea seen as it is what 3:00 in Sydney that means it will now be 6:00 in London so why don't we skype Mai will she be with Joey?'' He asked me looking at me waiting for an answer I thought to myself well it was Tuesday and I don't think they see each other on a Tuesday so that will be a no... ''No I don't think so it is early so... wait Pancake Tuesday! we always met up at Mai's house on a Tuesday at around this time and we would eat pancakes and watch T.V before school maybe they still do lets see?...'' I said getting my laptop from next to my bed and logging on to Skype I came across Mai's profile and I hovered over it for a while before I pressed call, well here is goes! It rang twice and then she answered her and Joey coming into view eating pancakes. ''MAI!!'' I shouted she dropped her pancake and pulled Joey to the camera. ''NO WAY ASHY AHHHHH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HOW ARE YOU? WHERE ARE YOU?!!!'' She shouted at the laptop screen her face coming more into view with Joey next to her picking pancake off the cushion. ''Well I am amazing I am in my bedroom and I miss you too and hey Joey!'' I said finally getting Joey's attention he waved at the camera with a mouthful of pancake., ''Wow it's amazing to see you i thought you weren't talking because like I texted you and you didn't reply..'' Mai said hitting Joey on the arm because he was being annoying wait she thought the same thing as me. ''Wait I thought you weren't talking to me haha I guess we just didn't get the messages then!'' I laughed and so did she just then Luke was shifting about on the bed and came into camera view! ''And who is that?'' She asked me with a raised eyebrow I blushed slightly as Luke laid on my shoulder pulling his fingers through his quiff. ''This is Luke my friend from Australia.'' I said and she nodded and Luke waved, ''Well then we better go because there is a Spongebob marathon on and you know me and Joey's obsession with Spongebob so I shall speak to you soon bye Ashy bye...Luke.'' And with that the call ended, Luke looked up at me and smiled ''I think you owe me a thank you?'' He said smiling and wating for me to say it I sighed and hugged him he hugged back and I whispered into his ear, ''Thank you.'' we pulled apart and looked at each other for a second before I turned away and reached for my marshmallows which were on my bedside ok don't judge I love marshmallows! '

'Hey let's play 'Catch The Marshmallow'?'' Luke suggested I looked at him confused what is that game? ''You have no idea what it is do you?'' He asked me I shook my head and he carried on telling me, ''Well in this case we have to try and throw the marshmallows into each others mouths and try to catch them you wanna play?'' I nodded my head and he took a marshmallow from the bag and I opened my mouth ready for him to throw it in, he threw it and it landed in my mouth we both cheered throwing our hands up in the air. Next it was my go to throw it in his mouth so I picked a marshmallow from the packet and and at the last seconds when I was going to eat it I popped it in my mouth and he wasn't very happy about that so I quickly grabbed another marshmallow and jumped off my bed running around the other side of it he jumped up and run to catch me but I doged out of the way he was behind me and he grabbed my waist and twirled me around so I was facing him the marshmallow was held in my fingertips so Luke decided to eat it out of my hand. ''Lukeeeeee!'' I whined because he had left his saliva on my hand he laughed and and tightened his grip around my waist pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back and we just stood there when we pulled apart he tapped my nose with his finger and I giggled. ''I should get going we have band practice tonight seen as we want to get better for next week before the show I would've loved to have stayed but you know this is big for me and the guys so I should get going we are practicing at my house so I have to get there on time but tomorrow I will see you at school and I will meet you at the gates with the guys.'' He told me smiling I nodded watching him pick up his bag and redo his hair as it had gone flat. ''It's fine I want you guys to do well for the gig and I want Mikey's surprise to be awesome!'' I said it was true I really wanted these guys to be great, ''Thanks babe I guess I will see you tomorrow then.'' He said I slightly blushed that he called me babe and I think he saw because he gave me a little smile before walking out of my bedroom door with me following, we reached the front door and my Mum had luckily not heard us or otherwise she would be asking more questions, Luke once again wrapped his arms around my waist and we hugged until my Mum walked through and we quickly pulled away Luke opened the front door and I mouthed ''Sorry'' to him he slightly laughed shouting back ''Nice meeting you Sarah!'' And he walked to his car me waving then stepping back in the door where my mum was smiling. ''So are you two a thing now?'' She asked I shook my head, ''No mum...'' I sighed walking upstairs still smiling though...

A/N So long chapter but I felt it was nesscary and I had to add the cute part in there! Anyway next chapter they will be some drama but not to worry because everything will be alright in the end so I am writing this whilst eating fruit pastels and I haven't had them in ages... So remember to vote if you love the story and comment your thoughts and ideas...

Question: What are your favourtie sweets?

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye

Bambino14 xx

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