Chapter 21: Dealing With Danielle

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We had just arrived into school and I felt like everyones eyes latched onto me as soon as I walked into the main corridor. I looked at Luke, I was confused was it to do with what I was wearing? I mean come on it is not that different I just have a different coloured flannel on so it can't be that. I mean yea I know I usally have my hair up but just 'cause I have it down with a flower crown doesen't mean anything does it? Is it because I am with Luke, but I am always with Luke everyday I mean we are always together. So what could it be? So why was everyone giving me the daggers like I had just snogged Luke or something!! Luke gave me a reasurring look and reached for my hand squeezing it tight I looked up and smiled and he looked down at me and returned the smile. As we walked further down the corridor I was approached by Kira someone who I guess I could call a friend she walked up to me and stood right infront of me with her friends, Mollie, Lily and Lola following behind. ''How dare you even have the cheek to show up at school today?!'' She said giving a disgusted look. My face turned to confused and I looked at Luke who was as confused as me. ''I-I what do you mean?'' I managed to say shocked by what was happening the whole school was now looking our way. People looking me up and down like I was some sort of horrible human being. ''What do I mean? I mean last night you was on Facebook saying things about all of the pupils in Year 11 and apparently I am a wannabe? And I thought we were friends!'' She said shouting and then sighing walking away shaking her head in disgust. A tear fell from my eye and look saw immeaditely wiping it away. ''Hey don't cry babe I know you didn't do any of that.'' He said placing both his hands on my shouders and moving a strand of hair from my face. I smiled but couldn't help feeling the sadness and dissapointment in the pit of my stomach, dissapointment because I thought they wouldn't auctally believe I said those things!

I saw Mikey, Calum, Ashton and Brooke near the lockers so me and Luke walked over to them, I was so scared what if something was said about them and they belived it was me? ''Ashleigh...'' Ashton said running up to me and wrapping his arms around me. I smiled as he hugged me that's when I knew they didn't believe what was going on. ''Guys I don't know who it is or what's happened but what I do know is that everyone hates me right now.'' I said and that's when Calum heard the familar sound of laughter erupting at the other end of the corridor his face went red and you could see the anger in his eyes. ''Calum what's wrong?'' I asked walking over to him and placing a hand on his arm. ''What's wrong is that it was her I know she set you up, Danielle who else would it be?'' He shouted storming towards Danielle and her cronies. I followed closely behind. ''Whydya do it?'' Calum asked interupting her conversation, she looked around and laughed in his face. ''Oh Calum I have no idea what you are talking about so can you just leave me alone I know it is hard but you are going to have to.'' She laughed turning back to her friends and flicking her hair into Calum's face, so he spat it out. ''No I will not go way until you explain why you are prentending that Ashleigh has been saying things on Facebook about the students?!'' She turned around and your face wasn't laughing then was it Danielle?? ''What I don't even know what you mean?'' She said sighing, she was about to walk away but Luke grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back, a smile instantly grew on her face.

''Oh what is it Luke you want to come with me, well of course you can there is always room for you in our group.'' She said stroking his hand, he pulled his hand away and gave her a disgusted look. ''Ermmm I would rather not and please don't walk away from Calum when he is trying to say something to you!'' He said through gritted teeth, she was speechless, she just stood there with her arms folded looking at Calum and occasionally giving me the odd glare. ''Right then now your listening how dare you go on Facebook and pretend to be Ashleigh then say things about the other students in our year? And don't even try denying it because we all know it was you!'' Calum shouted making sure the whole school was listening which was a good thing because then they would all her Danielle admit what she did. ''What no...It wasn't me at all....well not really....'' She said whispering the last part but just loud enough so I could hear her. ''What do you mean not really?!'' I questioned her looking around at everyone listening in on our confrontation. ''Well I had help from these two but I did everything, it is just that you have Luke and when I first came here I thought he liked me and then when I met you I was so jealous and then he ditched me for you.'' Danielle whined admitting everything infront of just short of 1,500 people! Everyone gasped and I could hear a few whispers of ''How could she's'' and ''Wow she is so low''. ''What Danielle me and Ashleigh were friends before you even came and unlike you she likes me not because of my looks but we made a promise that no matter what we would always be there for each other so for you to come along and be horrible to her like that, like for example remember the time you slapped her across the face?!'' Luke reminded her she rolled her eyes and walked away, the whole school was giving her death stares and I am just glad I am not the hated one any more....

I saw Kira running up to me through the crowds of gathering people. ''Oh Ashleigh I am so sorry, how could she do that, that little bitch don't worry though I am sure she will get karma.'' Kira laughed and I gave her a quick hug before she ran off. The whole school had lost intrest of what was going on now and returned to their own private little conversations. ''Thanks Luke for saying that, and thank you Calum for defending me from the start and knowing it was her, and thanks all of you for not beliving it was me who said all of those things. I love you all!'' I said and we pulled each other in for a massive group hug. ''We love you too Ashleigh!'' Ash squealed and I laughed he was honestly like my big brother. Luke pulled my hand and dragged me outside so I happily followed it was empty outside and he pulled me to a bench. ''Hey what she did was so unacceptable no one should frame someone like that it was just weird... Anyway ermmm I was wondering if maybe tonight you would ermm well me and the boys have this idea that we should bring a fan on stage with us and sing to them and I want you to be that girl?'' He asked turning a light shade of pink and scratching the back of his neck. A smile grew on my face and I jumped into his arms. ''Yes!'' I shouted and he squeezed me tight.

''Obviously Mikey is going to choose Brooke and I wasn't going to tell you until the boys chose their fans from the audience tonight but I wanted to tell you I was picking you and not to freak out!'' Luke told me grinning. I laughed and kissed his cheek and he smiled holding out his hand for me to take I happily took it and followed him inside....

A/N: I decided I would do a long chapter as I know I haven't updated in a while, which I am so sorry about:( Sooo I am pretty excited as it is Christmas in about 4 weeks I think?? I love the festive season and I loovve when all the christmas songs are on in the shops and the decorations start going up... So anyway I am thinking about asking you guys a question every chapter so the first question is....


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Bambino14 xx

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