Chapter 17: I Missed You

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''Calum hurry up we are going to be late for school!'' I shouted waiting for Calum downstairs in the hall we were all waiting at his and Ashton's house so we could get a ride to school. Everyone knew aboout me and Calum they were all happy for us though me and Luke haven't spoken probably since told him the news and I have no idea why? ''I'm here, I'm here!'' He said running down the stairs, ''Good morning.'' He greeted me with a quick kiss on the lips, I smiled and replied happily with ''Morning!'' The group of boys smiled at us both and exited the living room Ash being the leader since he was driving. Luke pushed straight pass me and Calum joing Michael at the front well the promise of always being there for each other is staring to doubt itself... Calum grabbed my hand and intertwinded our fingers as we walked through the school gates, girls still haven't got over the fact that I go out with one of the cutest boys in school but they are just going to have to deal with it seen as me and Calum are both happy and everyone is happy for us, well apart from some people *cough* Luke... We enetered the school halls with a few 'hi's' from fellow students. I have to say we are quite popular but we didn't like to act like it. Today was the day before the first gig for the boys and they were like giddy children on Christmas Eve though Brooke had no idea what was going on so she just went along with it. If they wanted to make a good impression on the fans Luke really needs to get out of this mood he is in I am so confused what it is all about? Brooke was getting some ''Hello's'' from the girls in our year and below as it was her birthday week she was gaining extra popularity points though Danielle was pretty peed off that she was getting all the attention!

I saw Luke head away from the group and head outside, he never hangs around with us though I have to say these past few wdays he has been really distant. ''Hey Calum I will be back in a minute I just have to go do something.'' I told Calum obviously wanting to go after Luke but he didn't need to know that... He nodded and kissed me on the lips quick then let me go. Luke was still in sight but he was getting further and further away that what it felt like to me he was always there but we were drifting further and further apart each day and I am worried that one day I would lose him... He turned the corner and ran up the hill...The Woods. That's where he was heading I knew him so well. I walked through the now familar flowers and bushes until I reached the narrow entrance to the small area a smile appeared on my face as I remembered the first time Luke took me here when we first met...


 'You seem trustworthy so I am going to show you since we have half an hour left I am going to take you to a special place only me and my friends know about...'' he whisprered I laughed as he grabbed my hand and led way running outside through trees and pretty flowers. We stopped when we reached a small wood filled with trees and small flowers there was a swing dangaling from a tree branch and a bench with leaves covering it... It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! ''Wow!'' Was the only words that left my mouth as I let go of Luke's hand so I could look around, ''Nice isn't it?'' He asked smiling at me I nodded as I walked over the bench. ''I want to know more about you?'' Luke asked joining me whilst sitting oppisote. ''Well watchya wanna know?'' I asked, ''Who is your favourite band?'' He asked looking staright at me with those blue eyes, ''Well I guess it will have to be Blink 182 but I also like All Time Low...'' I said blushing nervously what if he thought I was a total boy??? ''Wow you have amazing music taste!'' He said showing me his wrist to present a Blink 182 wristband my eyes widened I had the exact same one but it was hid by my red flannel shirt, I pulled my sleeve up and showed him he laughed admiring my many wristbands. ''Wow we haven't even known each other for a day and we already have matching wristbands and we have found out we have lots in common!'' He laughed, I nodded in agreement and pulled my sleeve back down. ''Hey so I was wondering if you would like to hang around with me and my mates today?'' He asked me I blushed he really wanted to hang around with me I have only just started here and met him but I was so happy! ''Yes of course that would be great!'' I happily agreed his eyes widened and he smiled, ''Oh we should probably get going there is only 5 minutes left until 2nd period you ready to go?'' He asked me I nodded and replied ''Yea but you gotta lead the way because I have know idea where we are going.'' He laughed and got up offering his hand to me I gladly took it and let him lead the way.

*****Flashback over******

Luke's POV

I sat on the bench collecting my thoughts I couldn't hang around Ashleigh and Calum any longer. I heard footsteps coming towards me I looked up and Ashleigh was stood there with a big grin on her face though lately my smile hasn't grown on my face in a long time and I was so happy to see hers... ''Hey.'' She said so quiet it was almost a whisper I didn't say anything I just nodded, she sat down next to me on the bench so she was facing me I refused to look at her but I couldn't help it. ''Why have you been so distant lately?'' She asked looking at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. Wait what?! ''Errmmm... Well you know there has just been a lot on my mind lately.'' I lied, I wanted to tell her that I was sick of seeing them two all lovey dovey but I didn't want to upset her. ''Well Luke we are best friends you can tell me anything.'' She calmly said and took my hands in hers. ''Well you know t's just I am extreamly nervous about the gig and everything I am scared people will hate us.'' I told her she nodded understanding and stood up reaching her hand out to mine. I took her hand and stood infront of her. ''What?'' I laughed, she giggled and I looked at her confused. ''Me and you are going to hang out all day and then tonight I am taking you to McDonalds and the movies!'' She said, honestly I was so happy a big grin spread across my face I was so happy I mean we hadn't hing out together for ages since they started going out and finally we were spending some time together. ''Awesome so what are we going to watch?'' I asked her looking down at her playing with my fingers. ''Well I was wondering if you wanted to watch Annabell?'' She asked finally looking up and connecting her eyes with mine. ''Yea I would love to see that film are you making us see it so when you get scared I can comfort you?'' I jokingly asked she laughed and playfully pushed me and I bounced back wrapping my arms around her waist bringing her close she rested her head on my shoulder and sighed. ''Why are you sighing?'' I asked her moving a strand of hair from her face that fell down over her eyes. ''Oh nothing I just missed you hugs and I missed you.'' I smiled at her and she smiled back I grabbed her hands wanting to intertwine our fingers but I knew I couldn't because she goes out with Calum and I don't want him thinking she is cheating on him.

We ran down the wet, slippy grass Asleigh nearly falling but she laughed it off.

Ashleigh's POV

Being with Luke made me happy at least I know we are ok now. When we entered the corridow all of the boys and Brooke were stood there talking me and Luke let go of hands making sure no body saw us. We approched the guys and before we go there Calum noticed us and smiled all the others turned aorund and Calum ran to Luke giving him a hug Luke hugged him back but not like he used to do and that's when I knew something was wrong other than what he had told me but I decided to leave it for the time being. ''Luke are you finally talking to us now?!'' Ashton jokingly asked Luke, Luke gave a small smile and nodded and they laughed and did a boy group hug. I looked at Luke and he looked like he was pretending to be happy, something inside me felt like it was being ripped apart I hate seeing him like this. He face was never in a smile, he wasn't the same with the boys the only time he was himself is when he is with me...

A/N: New chapter I know I said it was going to be a double update in 1 day but it was such along chapter and my fingers killed from typing so here it is now hope you like:) xx

Peace, Au revouir, Goodbye!

Bambino14 xx

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