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Hello, Beautiful People! Before you start reading, I'd just like to say a few words:

⚠️ IMPORTANT TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ Some of my poetry mentions sensitive topics, including (but not limited to) self-harm, abuse, mental hospitals, eating disorders, and suicide. If you are not comfortable with this or are easily triggered, please do not continue.

Some titles of parts have the "👊" emoji. This signifies an official slam poem. (You'll notice that they're usually back to back. Sometimes I have spurts of creativity. ☺️)

I love new perspective, so feel free to comment. But do not leave the "You need help" comments. Just... don't. Save the lecture. And don't be mean. I already have my low self esteem telling me I am complete shit. 😗✌️

I'd just like to say thank you for even clicking on this and taking a chance on my book. Hopefully, it's not a total waste of your time. 🤡

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