Dream 👊

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Will anyone remember
When my body's in a wooden box,
Being lowered into the dirt?
Inside that wooden box-
A body that'll never move again

Two eyes that'll never see anything again
Daddy, I still wanted to be able to see.
I wanted to see graduation caps thrown in the air, and the bright blue sky behind it.
And I wanted to see faces as I walked down the aisle in a white dress.

A mouth that'll never taste anything again
Daddy, I still wanted to be able to taste.
I wanted to taste exotic food while traveling the world, country by country.
And I wanted to taste the salt on my lips from all the seven seas.

Fingertips that'll never touch anything again
Daddy, I still wanted to be able to touch.
I wanted to touch the door handle of the little apartment I bought in a city far from here.
And I wanted to touch my baby's tiny, soft hands.

Two ears that'll never hear anything again
Daddy, I still wanted to be able to hear.
I wanted to hear the fireworks on the Fourth of July without thinking I might have a panic attack.
And I wanted to hear my daughter call me "Mom"

A nose that'll never smell anything again
Daddy, I still wanted to be able to smell.
I wanted to smell the pages of the book I published.
And I wanted to smell the candles shaped like the number "18" on my birthday cake.

I wanted
She wanted
But it's too late
That girl is gone
So as they lower her box
Into the dirt
I wonder,
Will anyone remember?

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