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You're on my mind
And my mind does crazy things.
Like write.
Why am I still writing?
Because the taste of your lips
Lingers on mine.
And the memory is replaying
In my head
Like a broken film

I take you by the waist
And pull you close
Just for a moment-
All is still.
Nothing matters.
I am safe
I sigh into you
My body relaxes at your touch
And pulls me closer
My eyelids dance
As I gently exhale
My breath tickling your sensitive neck,
Causing giggles to rise up from your heart

I want this to last.
I want us to last.
So, so much.
This can't end.
My trust has been so broken
I am afraid of losing you
I'm terrified.
I'm weak
I wish these memories
Didn't have to be films stocked away
In my head
That I could make new ones
With you
But I know this won't work
Because I'm not worth the stay
Soon you'll move on
Nothing against you,
Not that you have a lack of commitment
Just that I have a lack of mental sanity.
That gets a little tiring after a while.

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