Push Me Around Like A Hurricane 👊

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Help me,
Oh, help me.

I'm barely
staying alive.
I'm holding on
by a thread.
Only, the thread
is holding my life.

The blaring
and winding wind
spins me around
and around
and around,
until I'm so sick
and full of hatred,
I look at

and everyone
the same:
and with no emotions.
Empty inside.
And the closer I get
to my chance
of being brought back to happiness,
the wind-
it blows me right back
to the starting line.

And the rain-
drenching everything in its path.

The high pitched rain:
like a blood-curdling scream.
I seem to shout,
"Don't do this!"
but the rain doesn't listen.
It pushes on.
The wind
and rain
keep roaring
like a hungry lions

waiting to feast
and pouring down

as if a weight
was on top of me.

Pressing me down to the ground,
and lower,
until I can't
to move anymore.
And even if I
wanted to move,
I couldn't.
I'm paralyzed.
Paralyzed with fear
Paralyzed with pain
Paralyzed with overwhelming
I tried for so long to
Hold back

But this hurricane has torn down my walls
The wind
blows in my face,
where I can taste the salt in my sweat.
The rain hides my tears,
but it doesn't matter
because no one will notice anyway.

The thread snaps.
And I fall

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