Happy Poem 👊

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Most of my writing...
Is depressing
If you know the real me at all,
That's just a fact.
People tell me
All the time
Stop being so depressing!
Write something

So, here I am,
Attempting a
"Happy poem"
(Whatever that means)
Here goes nothing.
*deep breath*
The world's
Joyful colors
Dance across her eyelids
As she dreams-
*stop, look around room*
Yeah... no
This... isn't going too well.
But, I'll try again,
I guess.
Maybe... something a little different.
A smile
Takes over her face
As she frolics in the daisies
Her one true love
Has appeared
God, that hurt
Who knew happy poetry could be so

I can't do this.
Happy poetry?
In my mind,
Those words are never put together
I don't know how to write
Happy poetry.
As I write,
It all comes naturally,
Like I don't have to give it any real thought.
Like my emotions are just pouring through me.
Like the words on my page are windows to my soul.
I write purely off instinct
Taking the raw feelings burning inside of me
And putting them into words.

What is "happy"?
I don't really spend my time
Looking at flowers waving in the wind
Or have any
"Lovers" or past lovers
I long to hold in my arms,
Their scent: a faint smell of
Pine trees and clear air.

So, yeah...
I can't really write like that.
How do you write
Happy poetry
When you're
Not happy?

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