You Are Water

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You are
Safe, free
You are water.

You are
Lively, clear
You are water.

You are
Full, vast
You are water.

You are water.
Water is fine when it's
In the form of raindrops
It's okay when it's
In a 18mL glass
But it's disastrous when it's
Behind a cracking dam

A dam
Like the one I built up
For the sole purpose
To keep you out
But water is liquid
And it escapes through
The cracks of my trembling hands

You are water
Wherever you please
Exploring every corner
Of pain in my body

You are water
I can't breathe
Your hands over my mouth
Suffocating my every gulp for air.
Air. air air i need i need air

You are water
Filling up my lungs
Hurting my chest
Why is my chest pounding?
As if I swallowed a ticking bomb
Ready to rip me apart from the inside out

You are water
My health depends on you.
You are water.
You whisper,
"You will die without me."

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