Who's Next?

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As people
We're always trying
To help people heal
If they're going through a tough time
We're encouraged
To listen
To guide
To support
To care for

But the problem is
We try to fix the problems
After they happen
Rather than
Preventing the problems
From happening

How about instead of
Finding solutions to the problems created,
We find solutions to prevent the problems
From being created?

How about instead of
Over-medicating people for mental problems
And sending them to oblivious institutions
We try to get them the real help they need?

How about instead of
Cleaning up the blood of shot victims
We take away guns from the lunatics who
Are the shooters?

How about instead of
Giving rape victims therapy
We stop letting assholes rape people?

Some things we can't control
But the things we can-
We let happen

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