Society Says 👊

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A little girl is born and swaddled in a pink blanket.
Her parents put her pretty blonde hair in two pigtails.
They dressed her up for church in cute dresses
And taught her that makeup made her beautiful.
The little girl asked to help take in the groceries
Society said 'no'.
The little girl asked to read about dragons and dinosaurs
Society said 'no'.
The little girl asked to be a soldier for Halloween
Society said 'no'.
The little girl asked to-
she asked.
The little girl is all grown up now.
She's not so little anymore.
She asks to play basketball
Society says 'no'.
She asks to eat sugar
Society says 'no'.
She asks to cut her hair
Society says 'no'.
She asks to hold hands with a girl
Society says 'no'.
She asks that one boy who touches her to stop
Society says 'no'.
She asks to testify against her father who abuses her
Society says 'no'.
The little girl is me
And I'm not so little anymore
So, now, it my turn to say

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