Love Again

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I hear love isn't real
It doesn't exist
A fairytale
But I've seen it
A long time ago
When things were good
When I didn't have to worry.
Worry about people liking me
or having enough friends to not look like a loser
Worry about getting a GPA higher than 3.8
or drama, eyeliner, 'curves'...
Worry about dating, dress code, social media...
or texts, sex, flirting...
Worry about girls, cigarettes, beer...
or my sexuality, my depression...
When I didn't worry,
especially about things that
Don't really matter
When I could love both my mom and my dad
At the same time
When I could wake up on a Saturday morning
To the smell of funfetti pancakes
When I could dance around
In my Tinkerbell nightgown and mismatched socks
Without a care in the world
When things were good
So no
I won't give up on love
So hopefully love won't give up on me

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