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I'll be honest:
When we first met,
I definitely didn't think
Anything along the lines of
Holding your hand,
Sharing popcorn at the movies,
Or sweet kisses goodnight
I didn't.
Because I didn't know how.
I was taught to
Love boys.
This filter shamed me from ever
Thinking it was okay
I'd like to hold a girl's hand
Or go out with a girl
Or (god forbid) kiss a girl
But ever since I've surrounded myself with
I've learned
It's okay to love whoever you want
Which also means, yes-
It's okay I want to hold your hand
It's okay I want to be your girlfriend
It's okay I want to be kissed by you
It's okay I like you
Not like any guy I've ever
Thought I liked only because I was told to,
But like in a different way.
Because now I know
It's okay if I like a girl.
And it's okay if I like you.

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