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"You guys are adorable
"You and him??!! OMG!! Officially
"You two are sooo


Together together
As in:
Holding hands
Going on dates
Or even kissing each other goodbye
But all I see is my best friend
Why is it
All I see is my best friend?
All he's done

Been there
There for me
There when I feel like crying
There when I feel like screaming
There when I feel like nothing
But I still only see my best friend.
Even after Everyone,

From sharing our
Dark secrets
We've never told anyone
To giggling about
Stupid jokes
For hours on end
We've been together
For what seems like years
But never

Together together
Because all I see is my best friend.
The best friend that said,

"I love you," first
The best friend that I told
I loved someone else to
Because I was stupid
And confused
And wrong.
So, so wrong.
And I hate myself for it
Why can't I see him as more?
Why can't I let everyone be right?
What's wrong with me?
I know the answer, I just
Can't say it out loud.
I can't see him as more than
My best friend.

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