Chapter 15: (Y/n)

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(Y/n) POV
(Before removing the mask)
I saw them looking at me with seriousness at knowing who i am inside the mask, i closed my eyes while slowly removing the mask on my face, the mask was fully removed from my face and silence envelope the place the only thing u can hear is the wind blowing and the chirp of the wild birds in the forest where we all are in....

Second pass and still no comments coming from them, a feeling of awkwardnes filling my mind, and so i slowly opened my eyes and saw them, froze on the spot, widened eyes, jaw slightly drop,...i gave them a small awkward smile...

They blinked few times before shouting...

"(F-(F/N)!!!!!???" In unison, loud enough for me to cover my ears, I'm sure the whole forest heard them shout my fake name...i gave them a closed eye smile, putting my arms behind my back before replying....

"Nope, it's (y/n) Yamamoto, pleasure to meet ya" my personality turned to soft, making them stare at me in shocked written on their face, knowing the person who they been searching in 3 weeks, was me who disguise as (f/n), and the first person who recover from their utter shock was ( the hottie jk) Toshiro stepping forward...

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" He asked

"Cause u didn't ask" i reply, i don't know why but I'm having a great time playing stubborn or teasing him, when i answer his question a vein pop on his forehead, making me smirk and the others slightly laugh except for Matsumoto who's laughing so hard clutching her stomach along with ichigo..

"Shut up!" Toshiro shouted giving them a glare, but soon Uryu do the talking with me...

"When did you know about us?" He asked 'wow straight forward, direct to the point are we' i thought before answering his question.."since i saw u all fighting with the white masked monster and the giant black thingy" (an: u didn't know what they called ok)

"You mean hollows and menos?" Said renji,

"So that's what they call? U mean menos are the giant one? I remember defeating multiple tho" i said putting my finger at my chin, thinking before i sat at the ground and so are they,

"You mean you're the one who defeated the multiple menos!?" Asked by ichigo, i didn't know why he's getting worked up

"Why are you so excited about it?" I said before Toshiro finally speak...

"Well since we already meet each other, we may need you to come back with us to the soul society"

"Soul society...?, i remember okasan mention it tho..." I mumbled putting my finger to my chin. thinking

"You don't remember anything about you being a shinigami?, are u in a gigai or not? " Asked by rukia, confused look on their faces

"You mean...I'm like you..?...wait! What do you mean by gigai, I'm a soul? So I'm using a fake body..." I said observing myself ( talk about clueless😄, this chapter u can't remember the past or anything)

"You seems didn't remember anything do you?" Asked Toshiro, cold expression

"I live here 5 years ago with my mother, and soon after 5 years she died by the hand of two guys who wear a white hollow kimono, and the name i hear my mother shout was aizen......since that day, something different start happening, such us you wearing black kimono, same as my mother's, but your different Toshiro you're wearing a white haori with a #10, that's what i remembered" i explain, they look at each other before nodding, planning something or what......

"You really don't remember anything other than that, but we may need you back to soul society, there all your question may be answered and to meet your father" said Toshiro crossed arm, i can sense seriousness on his voice 'they may not be lying, father?...' Thinking of meeting him finally makes me excited of it, but not surely, i look at Toshiro before giving a believable fake smile and replying with...

"Sure!" Before turning around i was tackled with a big booby in front of me engulfing my face between those, stealing my breath....

"I finally have someone new to hang with!!" I hear rangiku squeal.. While she dive my face to her melons ( an: you know what i mean by melons😏)

"C-can-t b-b-bre-eat-h-h"

"MATSUMOTO enough! Your suffocating her!!" I heard Toshiro yell, before rangiku letting me go she quickly apologized, and i stumble backwards

'I swear i saw an angel!!' I thought panting, holding my chest, i look at Toshiro and thanked him, i saw some slight pink on his cheeks it disappeared as soon it appeared then i shrugged it off.....when he turned around not facing me.

**time skip brought to you by (z/n)**

Toshiro POV

The thank you coming from her is rare, can't blame a person who had a lot of personality, this rare personality of her making my blood rush to my cheek, remembering my mission i manage to calm myself, i turned around and saw their eyes widened in disbelief staring at (f-(y/n), why wouldn't they be when we first saw her the first impression was she's a cold person...

  She agreed to come back at soul society, as soon as possible, we are now heading to a place where the old senkaimon was, (f-) i mean (y/n) is so quiet walking behind us, i ignore the silence, a minute passed....


A loud gasp was heard behind us, we quickly turned our head we saw (y/n) panting clutching her chest sweat forming on her forehead,

"(Y/n) - san!!?" Inoue shout before running to her, then we all followed...

"(Y/n)? Are you ok?" I ask standing next to her, there's a minute of silence before she let out a shaky breath and said..

"G-get-t a-awa-ay fro-om m-me..."shaky with a cold lacing her voice

And then i found them distancing 2 meter away from her....with a worried face, while i stay to the place i stand, her (e/c) orbs is turning into a deadly yellow one 'don' you're...' My thought was interrupted when Urahara appeared and knocking her off, (y/n) falling in front of me, i ended up catching her, and helding her close to me, i can feel my face heating up

Then i call her name

(Y/n) POV

  Walking with them out of the forest,  heading to Urahara sensei shop for something they called senkaimon....i was behind them while they're in front of me leading the way, maybe they think i don't know who is mean

This walk is full of awkward silence, i decided to break it, but suddenly my chest feel like my heart stop and gonna rip out of me, making me unable to breath properly and let out a loud gasp, i clutch my chest tighter panting, and  a sweat forming on my forehead, something inside me was triggered but i don't know what it is

"(Y/n) - san!!?" Inoue shouted coming at me as well the others

"(Y/n)? Are you ok?" Toshiro asked me,

'(y/n) stop fighting me, let me free!!' The raspy voice that i always hear inside my head....i can feel myself loosing it, and the others are still near me, i let out a shaky breath...

"G-get-t a-awa-ay fro-om m-me..." I said in a very cold tone

They didn't hesitate to distance their self from me, but toshiro stay on his spot i open my mouth to warn him again but nothing came out when i started loosing my control, my vision black out but i can feel myself still conscious, then a sudden pain behind my neck, putting me unconscious

But before i become fully unconscious i heard a gentle voice of Toshiro more like a whisper


💙❤Author note❤💙

   Here's an update!!!😜
I update today cause i don't want this to get on my way finding my card, they lost it!!! I can't continue in grade 9 without it ..... Sorry on sharing my problem I'm sure someone don't want to hear it...


Hope my reader still support this story until the end pls follow me thank you so much love ya all!!!

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