Chapter 22: Feelings

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Toshiro POV

I sigh and stretched my back after finishing the 6 stacks of paperwork at rangiku's table, 'damm you Matsumoto! I swear I'll get you back for this!' I thought rubbing my temples, i tried to sleep but interrupted by a knock at my door i reply 'come in' with an irritated tone

The door slide open and i saw (y/n) nervously walking inside,

"Ca-captain?" She stuttered,

"i said call me Toshiro when we're alone, anyways is there something you need?"

"Ah! see..uhm-" she stuttered out trying to find the right words, well this is my first time seeing her nervous which i found it cute to see.....

"If you're here to ask for your leave, i don't have any objection i know how important it is in Yamamoto clan" i said, she gave me surprise look before giving the closed eye smile that make my heart skip a beat, heat rising to my cheeks as i stare at her smile...

" Toshiro are you ok?" I was snapped back to reality and saw her looking at me,'damm i was caught staring!' I thought, blinking my eyes before i shake my head "ah, y-yea im o-ok" i Stuttered, before going back to my never ending paperwork, i didn't have a chance since i did 6 stacks of rangiku's paperwork, silence envelope my office and i assumed (y/n) leaved already but, i was proven wrong when i heard footstep coming to my table, i lift my head up but only to face to face with (y/n), our eyes widen on how close we are and my cheeks started to heat up again,

(Y/n) POV

When i saw him staring at me with a red face, i began to worry because maybe he's sick on overworking on the paperwork that was continuously delivered to him, so i tried to ask him

" Toshiro are you ok?" I said, i saw him blinked before shaking his head "ah, y-yea im o-ok" i stared in disbelief, because he stuttered!!, after saying it he get back to his work, I'm about to leave but my attention was caught by something in his cheek, I'm not sure what it was, and so i walk up to him, i reached his table i slowly lean to see what in his cheek, but was caught off guard when he lifted his head, our eyes widen cause our face were like 3 inches apart, i can see he started to blush i held my own which i succeeded to do.

I blinked before averting my gaze to his cheek, then i saw a deep cut covered in some kind of ointment to match his skin color, i carefully brush it off to see the wound clearly, then i remember I'm the one who cause it when im struggling to be free from his grip last night. Guilt covered me, as i trace it with my finger

"I'm sorry you had to deal with me last night" i said with a worried tone, he slowly held my hand moving it away from his wound, "don't worry, it's just a cut" he said....

"Well, it's not just a cut, it was deep one, mind if i treat it well?, cause...uhm- it's still bleeding....a bit" i said, grabbing the first aid kit....the wound is not serious to call a squad 4 medics or to call my sister figure Unohana- nee chan, i call all the captain and lieutenant here in seretei as Onee-chan or Onii-chan cause they didn't want to be formal with me instead they want it to be casual, technically i didn't see Toshiro here in seretei this past 5 years cause he's a former third seat which became a captain after i disappeared from soul society,

A minute passed when Toshiro didn't give me his approval i look at his face that held an expression of shock, surprise, disbelief, and it's getting awkward since we've been staring to each other for a minute, i decided to break it with a cough

"*cough* ah..Toshiro can i?" He blinked before nodding, i grab some cotton dipping it into a liquid medicine before i bent down my knees to reach his face cause he's sitting facing me, after the cotton absorb some medicine i let it i brush at Toshiro cheek to clean the side of the wound, as i was treating it i didn't realized i was leaning to his side until he cleared his throat, i look at him to see what up but i only see his face crimson red then i realized my body was pressed a little bit to his body side ways, i myself started to blush 50 shades of red, before pulling away and patching the wound before fixing the first aid kit....

VENGEANCE  INTO LOVE ( Toshiro Hitsugaya x Reader(fem) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now