Chapter 43: There's no Lies that can't be Revealed

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Toshiro POV

The moment i saw ichigo stab (y/n)'s body on the chest, i was scared for the first time in years.

Slowly (y/n) body started to fall when ichigo pulled out his zanpakuto, then layla the one who occupied (y/n)'s body gave off a smile then she said something i can't barely heard, and the white hollow that covered her body started to fade away little by little revealing (y/n)'s shinigami clothes.

I was frozen in my place, everyone is as we stared at (y/n)'s falling body. I was only pull out of my thoughts when i heard my name came out of her lips.


And in instant i flashed step catching her body, carrying her bridal style and slowly land to the ground.

Then, i noticed that there's no wounds nor cuts were visible at her body, (y/n) came back. I sigh in relief as i look at the others.

"I think this fight is over." Captain Unohana said as they all looked at (y/n)'s sleeping form.

"I guess your right, Captain Toshiro will you please carry (y/n) back to the soul society?" I heard the Head Captain said looking at (y/n) with sad eyes before turning around. "Sure do, Head Captain" i replied.

"Well then, we'll carry the unconscious back" Captain Byakuya said earning a chorus nods.

I stay silent throughout the journey back to the soul society as i grew more worried at (y/n) whole being.

'(Y/n) please come back,i have something i need to tell you in person' i thought before flash stepping towards the squad 4 barracks.

(Y/n) POV

   "W-what? S-sister?" I asked in disbelief as i stare at the person in front of me.

"Im not surprised you don't know anything about me, since my whole existence was kept secret by none other than the Head Captain, your father" she replied turning her back at me before walking forward.

"W-wait, i don't understand" i said running right after her then our surrounding change from darkness to a place full of blue flames.


"Good to see you again dear (y/n)" whipping my head towards the source i saw (z/n), my zanpakuto.

"(Z/n) sorry to use you back there" the women who claimed as my sister apologized towards my zanpakuto.

"Its alright, your still part of (y/n) and beside i'm also your zanpakuto" replied (z/n). I stare at them for good 5 seconds mouth gaping before deciding to interject.

"Ok, hold on. Let's back up a little bit and, What the heck!? I'm really confused right now." I said, well practically yelled at them.

"Gomen dear (y/n) it's not our right to answer your question right now." (Z/n) said and i just stare at her.

Toshiro POV

"Captain Unohana, will she be ok?" I asked the Squad 4 captain as she tended (y/n)' vitals, its already been two days.

"Im not sure Captain Hitsugaya, her pulse are beating fast from a normal one" Captain Unohana replied checking for (y/n)'s other injury.

Every second pass i grew more worried than i ever be in my entire life. I can't help but stare at her face and unconscious figure.

"She hasn't had any wound nor complications rather than the fast beating of her pulse and the circulation of her blood is unusual, captain Hitsugaya can i request for you to wait outside?." Captain Unohana said before casting a healing kido at (y/n)' body, not saying anything i obliged and slowly walk out of the room after taking one last glance at (y/n).


    Minutes passed, Captain Unohana walked put of the room.

"How is she?" I asked straight away.

"She seems fine now, her pulse started to go back to normal" she said which i released a breath that i didn't know i was holding.

"I'm Glad' i thought sighing in relief

(Y/n) POV

  "I need to speak to you sister" the women beside (z/n) said, and as in cue (z/n) disappeared along with our surrounding and it was replaced by a place with dark crystals all around.

"So wh-" she cut me off from my sentence as she speak.

"I just want to apologize for using your body, and causing problem to the others and for controlling you in the past" she said as she faced me and look at me dead in the eye.

  "I didn't mean to stay behind your mind this entire time and tell the others that i apologized for causing trouble," she paused for a bit before taking a deep breath.

"Also, i want to warn you. The time for Aizen to attack is near, you must be prepared"

"I accept your apology and thank you for the warning but, all this sister thing still confused me. Who really are you? And why has it to do with oto-san? " i said taking a step forward then i heard her laugh bitterly.

"That questions will only be answered by him, and him only. Because there's no lie that can't be revealed...." She said and each word she say her body started to disperse into thin air.

"Wait!!!" I shouted reaching up to her but i was too late as her body disappeared.



U know it's kinda short.

Ok! My head is actually spinning. I need to have more idea!! My mind is actually filled with stories for my other books!!

  I need to focus!!

Ok, ok *deep breath* i can do this. Just keep my focus.

See you next update of this book! Even tho i know this book started to be
"BORING" right?


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