Chapter 23: Sparring a captain to clear mind?

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(N/n) - nickname
(Z/n) - zanpakuto name

(Y/n) POV

After the day i requested a leave from my captain Toshiro hitsugaya, i started being distracted from my practice...i can't even focus for once yesterday, thinking about the previous event when i help him tend his wound. Which it was my fault and that i found it embarrassing for i can't get rid of it from my mind.....

Somehow rukia helped me clear my mind for a while for our clan traditional dance we're just 3 days away!! I didn't even practice because of the memory that was trapped in my mind, that was always replaying......

"Ah..? Rukia? Where are we going?" I ask her, totally confused on why we're we heading into squad 11 barracks..... "Relax (y/n), you said you wanna clear your mind right?, well i had a plan" she said, i didn't say more, cause of course an advice from an experienced person can't be wrong...that's why i ask her for help. Pls pray for me to accomplish this challenge to focus on my dance that was meant to be performed in front of the whole crowd of fellow shinigami's....

After a short walk we finally arrived at squad 11, and it's seems to be quite lively? Cause i can hear a lot of grunt, wooden stick clashing together, heavy footstep inside the squad 11, "(N/n)-chan!!" A high pitched small kid voice was what we heard once we enter the squad 11, i turned around but was tackle to the ground by a pink haired kid yachiru we treated each other as a very close sister's "ne~ (n/n)-chan, ruki-chan can we play?" Yachiru asked, i sighed cause on how much i want to take her request, but i can't, time is ticking

"Sorry lieutenant yachiru, but we're here to help (y/n) clear her mind for the upcoming dance of the Yamamoto clan heir" said by rukia, hearing them say about our clan dance make me twice as nervous, I was about to run away but was drag inside the squad 11 barrack by yachiru and rukia and was interrupted when a explosion was heard in one if the squad 11 house

"Uh..yachiru is zaraki" I ask, she nodded happily dragging me to where the explosion started, and once we arrive we saw countless shinigami's lying in the ground unconscious and captain zaraki standing at them,

"tch! Is that all? Boring" he said

"Ken-chan!!" Yachiru yell climbing at his shoulder...

"Oh...yachiru where did you wonder off?"

"Hehe, you see i saw ruru-chan and (n/n)-chan outside the gate!!" She said pointing at us, rukia and i reluctantly wave our hands at him, i saw zaraki nii-san flashed step and patted my head...

"good to see you well (y/n), you're in for a spar?" he said with a grin.

This cause me to flinched a bit cause *The heck dude!!* Me and him in sparring!? Might as well not, why you ask? Cause we might cause destruction across the whoooolllleee seretei when we got serious in the sparring, when im about to speak and refuse his offer, but rukia beaten me to it and said the exact opposite of what's inside my mind "she will gladly accept it" her sentence shocked me to my very core, "good come along then (y/n)" said by zaraki nii-san going back to the training house of his squad, i look at rukia with furrow eyebrow, mouth agape...

"Are you kidding me!? If i spar with him we might become serious!! and what was worst? we might destroy the whole seretei!!" I yell whisper at her, she shrugged it off and went to whisper in my ear "come on (y/n), if you can't focus on your practice, try to focus on this sparring you might clear your head from the thought that was bothering you" well she has a point, i huff and sigh before we both walk where zaraki nii-san went....

I was now standing in the center facing my brother figure, nervous and sweat forming in my forehead, 'looks like this wasn't helping me at all!! I'm getting worried we might destroy the seretei! And I'll receive a one whole day scolding from my father!!' I mentally scream and worry thought started to fill my mind,well to cut the long story short i mean i.cannot.FOCUS!! I looked at where yachiru and rukia seated at they just give me a thumbs up,

"What's wrong (y/n)? Afraid to loose?" This cause me to look back at zaraki nii-san who was grinning, "confident as always nii-san" i reply with a smirk, his confident drive away my crazy thought and worry about our sparring...he unsheathed his zanpakuto/sword and pointed at me

(an: hey uh..I'm not sure if i will call it a sword or zanpakuto in my own plot cause it hasn't had a name, any way just go with the zanpakuto one "

"uh..zaraki nii-san we aren't gonna use the wooden sword?"

"Come on, (y/n) don't act like you don't know me"

"Oh yah, i forgot" i said before i unsheathed my zanpakuto (z/n), i let out a heavy breath....silence covering us both, as we both waited a chance to attack...

Rukia POV

Even if the sparring hasn't started yet, i can already feel the heavy pressure from them 'so is this why (y/n) is reluctantly to spar with captain zaraki?' i thought not taking my eyes off them, thinking who will attack first as silence started to cover the room.....

After a minute waiting at last captain zaraki made the first move, slashing his zanpakuto sideways with a strong force which lead to (y/n) blocking it with all her might, (y/n) tried to attack him downward with her zanpakuto but was easily dodge, a while later i heard someone opened tatami behind me (an: tatami was a wooden door in Japan) i look at who is it only to found yamachika anf ikkaku

"Oh, how nice for our beautiful (y/n) to visit from her tight schedule for practice" yamachika said...

"Oi, rukia might as well tell us why (y/n) is here sparring with captain instead practicing for the upcoming event? That was just 3 days away" ikkaku said, i sigh before replying "(y/n) asked me for help to clear her head so she can focus for the upcoming event"

"Hm? Is something bothering the beautiful creature (y/n)?" Asked yamachika, i just shrugged my shoulder cause i don't know the answer and we continued to watch the sparring fight between the captain of squad 11 and the heir of Yamamoto clan...

Author note: important
Hello guys!!

Ay naku narigat to eskwela, problema assignments ken projects!!!

Haha you wouldn't understand that sentence cause it was ilocano, ok never mind that I'll stop this chapter on that the sentencep cause, you know in school, lot of assignment i gotta do review cause pre-test is coming at our school

I'll update once a week or if im free from my assignment and school pressure,
i just received a head ache from it

Anyway thank you so much my dear readers
See u next time

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